Are beagles aggressive?

Are beagles aggressive?

Are beagles aggressive?

In general, no, beagles are not aggressive. However, the fact that so many people often have to ask “Are beagles aggressive?” often leads many to wonder “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?” However, we think beagles have been unfairly maligned, and in reality, they aren’t an aggressive dog breed unless provoked. 

In this article, we’ll explore: 

By the end of our guide, you’ll know everything you need to have a calm non aggressive beagle as part of your family. 

Why beagles get aggressive: 

If you’re thinking of getting a beagle and worried about possible aggression, it’s helpful to understand the most common reasons they become aggressive. This is especially true if you have young children in the house. 

1. They think they’re hunting

Beagles were bred as hunting animals, so their natural instincts sometimes kick in, particularly when they’re outside and spot something small darting around, like a squirrel. If this happens, they might “go on the hunt” and appear aggressive. 

Don’t fear though, beagles were also bred to hunt AND alert their owners that they’ve found their prey. They usually make a braying sound (similar to a howl but longer, almost like a yodel). They have been trained for centuries NOT to hurt their prey, so even if they look to be hunting, no other animal will get hurt. 

2. Aggressive children 

In general, beagles are really great with kids and young toddlers! But like most animals, if someone hurts them, they might snap back. Keep a close eye on your beagle if they’re with new children at the park, as you can’t control the behavior of kids you don’t know and someone might get over excited and accidentally provoke your beagle. 

3. They’re territorial 

Beagles are actually good apartment dogs and get along with other dogs and even get along well with cats, but if another animal encroaches on what they consider to be their territory, they might get aggressive. This usually includes their home, possessions, and even their owners. 

4. They are protecting their food 

Beagles might seem like they’re constantly hungry and they may get aggressive if someone gets in the way of their eating. This is an ancient instinct within them to protect their food source at all costs. However, with the proper feeding, exercise and sleep routines, and the proper training, beagles won’t be aggressive around their food.  

5. Fear 

Beagles may become aggressive if they perceive any threat. Have you ever seen a tiny dog yapping and screaming at a much larger dog? They have no chance of winning in a fight, but become incredibly aggressive? Beagles also have this instinct – in this case, it’s a survival mechanism against some perceived threat. 

Aggression in beagles: what it looks like

Common aggression behaviors include: 

  • Growling in a low tone. This is use to scare off perceived dangers 
  • Chasing – they may go off sprinting after a squirrel or other small animal they’re hunting 
  • Nipping – they may nip lightly at another dog they’re acting aggressive towards in the park. In the more extreme forms, this could escalate to biting. 
  • They may bark excessively
  • They may jump on other animals or humans. 

How to train your beagle to not be aggressive 

  1. Exercise 

Keep your beagle well exercised – this is not only good for their physical health, but it also wears them out so they don’t have excessive energy to be aggressive. 

  1. Mental fitness

Make sure your dog is getting mental stimulation as well. It’s also good for their mental health and sharpness, and overall emotional health. Get them some puzzles to play with while you’re gone. This helps reduce anxiety and aggression overall. 

  1. Training 

Use a system of rewards to teach your beagle to stop being aggressive. If they are growling or showing other aggressive symptoms, put them in a crate or in a dog bed in a separate room, and when they quiet down, give them a treat. This teaches them to stop being aggressive. Also teach them to sit, stand, etc. so they know how to behave in general.   

  1. Don’t shout

First of all, this doesn’t work. Your beagle isn’t aware that you’re shouting at them, they probably think you’re having a chat with them instead. If anything, this will prompt them to keep being aggressive and howling and barking at a louder volume. 

  1. Bark collars

Bark collars are highly effective. They deliver static electricity that shocks your dog into stopping unwanted behavior. Many owners are wary of hurting their dogs, but bark collars are usually a temporary measure and have an almost 100% rate of success. However, they should be used as a last resort as we ultimately don’t want to motivate our pets through fear. Check out our guide to beagle collars here, which includes humane anti bark and anti howl devices that use vibrations and sound rather than shocks. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Are beagles aggressive?

Is a beagle a good family dog?

Yes, beagles are great family dogs because they’re protective, friendly, cuddly, and trainable. 

Are beagles friendly? 

Beagles are very friendly dogs and love attention and companionship. 

Are beagles dangerous?

No, beagles aren’t known to be dangerous. 

Are beagles strong?

Beagles are very agile and quick due to being bred as hunting dogs, but they are not known for exceptional strength. 

Are beagles energetic?

Yes, beagles are very high energy dogs and will need plenty of exercise and stimulation to be happy and healthy. 

Do beagles like to sleep with you?

Yes, beagles love cuddling and sleeping with their owners. They’re great at jumping into bed and burrowing next to you. 

Why do beagles put their paws on you?

They want attention from you and it’s an expression of their love for you! Nothing to worry about. 

Are beagles hard to potty train?

No more than the average dog breed. Beagles are intelligent and with the proper routined training, they will be potty trained quickly. 

Can a beagle be an indoor dog?

Yes! Beagles can be indoor dogs and actually are indoor dogs more often than not. 

Can a beagle be left alone?

Beagles can be left alone on average for 4-6 hours. Read more on leaving beagles alone here

Recap: Are beagles aggressive?

  • Beagles do get aggressive, although it’s rare and they won’t hurt anyone.
  • With proper exercise, training, and rewards, beagles can be trained to stop aggressive behavior. 

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