Are beagles good apartment dogs?
Yes! Beagles make good apartment dogs. Not only are they a perfect small to medium size for most apartments, their loyal and easy going nature makes living in an apartment an easy fit for them.
In this article, we’ll dive into:
- Are beagles good apartment dogs?
- Why beagles are perfect apartment dogs
- How to housebreak a beagle:
- Living in an apartment with beagles – owner testimonies
- Problems with beagles living in apartments and solutions
- Keeping a beagle in a house
- Best practices for owning a beagle
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
- Do Beagles make good indoor dogs?
- Can Beagles be left alone all day?
- What dog breeds can be left alone for 8 hours?
- Do beagles always run away?
- Are beagles good for first time owners?
- What are the best apartment dogs?
- Are beagles good family dogs?
- Are beagles too loud for apartments?
- At what age does a beagle calm down?
By the end of this guide, you’ll know everything you need about having a beagle in your apartment or home. Let’s dive in!
Why beagles are perfect apartment dogs
Unless you have a spacious apartment, getting a large dog like a German Shepherd or Rottweiler probably isn’t the best idea. This is compounded by the fact that in an apartment, it’s a rare living situation where you can have your own doggy door for access to a backyard. Your dog will likely be inside for much of the day when living in an apartment.
Beagles are great apartment dogs first and foremost because of their size. They don’t feel cramped or claustrophobic in a 1 bedroom or even most studio apartments.
Beagles are also highly adaptable and will grow quickly to love where they love, if you give them a comfortable proper bed and treat them right.
Another reason is that beagles are pack animals. They love being with their family and are quite protective. Whatever the space they call home, they will fiercely guard with loyalty.
While some people mistakenly think beagles are aggressive (see our full article on beagle aggression here), in reality they are even tempered and mellow in apartments.
How to housebreak a beagle:
Make sure you’ve taught them to go to the bathroom outside. Again, use commands and treats to reward them when they’ve done this correctly. Keep a close watch on them during their puppy stage because they will inevitably go to the bathroom inside. Immediately scold them and say “no” loudly. As they show signs of needing to go to the bathroom, take them out immediately and give them a treat afterwards. Soon, you’ll have a beagle who is potty and apartment trained.
Living in an apartment with beagles – owner testimonies
A quick search through multiple reddit forms like this one displays real life testimonies from owners who have happy and healthy beagles living in their apartments.
Here are just a few testimonials:
“I have a beagle and I live in a one bedroom apartment.. I got him when he was 3 months old. He is 5 months old today, and he is completely house broken and has been for a while. It didn’t take long at all for him to get trained. He also knows sit, paw, and sit pretty, and now sleeps with me and doesn’t get up until I do. He is a great dog. I have recently started leaving him out of the cage while I leave and he does great. Nothing torn apart or peed on. My beagle is great.” – Caitlynn
“I owned a beagle within a 600 ft apartment who was just fine inside the apartment.” – Dracoconic86
“Our 3 year old beagle is a happy camper. He has run of the apartment during the day (except the bedroom), and doesn’t cause any commotion. No chewing, no howling, lots of sleeping and playing with his rope. We leave the radio on low for him. He was bad when we tried to crate him, but as soon as we left him out, he was super chill.” – badbluemoon
Problems with beagles living in apartments and solutions
The two biggest problems are:
- Beagles howling. While beagles actually don’t howl more than the average dog, if you live in an apartment, your neighbors will quickly get annoyed if your beagle is howling constantly. Beagles do suffer from separation anxiety, so they might howl a lot when you leave them alone. Solution: with proper training, healthy routines, and as a last resort, a bark collar, you will be able to keep your beagles howling to a minimum.
- Energy levels. Beagles are high energy and prone to obesity, so you need to walk them two to three times a day. This can be hard in an apartment, especially if you don’t live close to a park. Make sure to plan a route and stick to proper exercising, so your beagle doesn’t go wild inside your apartment and cause a huge mess.
Keeping a beagle in a house
Now, keeping a beagle inside a house is similar to keeping them inside an apartment. However, I wanted to bring this topic up to mention that if you leave them alone in the house, there is much more space for them to get into trouble.
It’s best to keep them in a crate or a specific room when you leave your beagle alone the first few times. It’s hard to gauge if they’ll be destructive with furniture. Also, be sure to keep medicine and hazardous materials out of reach, always. To learn more about beagles being left alone, check out our article here.
Best practices for owning a beagle
Keeping your beagle healthy is essential in keeping them happy in an apartment. Follow these principles to keep them healthy and happy:
Keep your beagle well exercised – this is vital for their energy levels, fitness, and mental health. Adult beagles should get a minimum of two walks a day, preferably for at least 30 minutes.
Mental fitness
Make sure your dog is getting mental stimulation as well. It’s also good for their mental health and sharpness, and overall emotional health. Get them some puzzles to play with while you’re gone. This helps reduce laziness and boredom. Also make sure to practice commands with them and that they are socializing with new dogs and humans every few days. This will help with any potential howling or barking when they’re left alone.
Feed your beagle high quality dog kibble to keep their energy up. High quality food provides a great return on your investment, as you can’t put a price on your beagle’s good health. While the cheaper dog food might be tempting, you’ll pay for it down the line in expensive health problems that come up as a consequence of their poor diet.
Use a system of rewards to teach your beagle to behave well. If they are growling or misbehaving, put them in a crate or in a dog bed in a separate room, and when they do a trick properly, give them a treat. This teaches them what behaviors are good and what behaviors are bad.
Bark collars
As a last resort, bark collars are highly effective in getting your beagle to quit howling when you leave. They deliver static electricity that shocks your dog into stopping unwanted behavior. Many owners are wary of hurting their dogs, but bark collars are usually a temporary measure and have an almost 100% rate of success. However, they should be used as a last resort as we ultimately don’t want to motivate our pets through fear. Check out our guide to beagle collars here, which includes humane anti bark and anti howl devices that use vibrations and sound rather than shocks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Do Beagles make good indoor dogs?
Yes! Beagles make great indoor dogs and modern beagles are actually meant to be indoor dogs.
Can Beagles be left alone all day?
As a rule of thumb, beagles shouldn’t be left alone for longer than 6 hours. They can develop separation anxiety. Read our in depth guide to leaving your beagle alone here.
What dog breeds can be left alone for 8 hours?
Dog breeds that can be left alone for 8 hours include: beagles, peekapoos, golden retrievers, and mutts. However, this shouldn’t be a common occurrence.
Do beagles always run away?
Because beagles are scentdogs and were bred over centuries to be hunters, if they catch a scent it’s hard for them to not follow it. That’s the most likely reason they’ve run away. Over time, with the right training, they will stop running away so much.
Are beagles good for first time owners?
Yes! Beagles have an easy going nature and are smart and loyal. They make great dogs for first time owners. Be patient with them, and they will shower you with love.
What are the best apartment dogs?
Besides beagles, there are several dog breeds that make for great apartment dogs like french bulldogs, shih tzus, malteses, and bichon frisés.
Are beagles good family dogs?
Yes! Beagles are great with children and make for good watchdogs against strangers. They are protective, loving, and love to cuddle.
Are beagles too loud for apartments?
This all boils down to training and routine. If you train your beagle properly and keep them to strict routines, barking and noise shouldn’t be a problem in an apartment.
At what age does a beagle calm down?
Beagles generally will calm down as they enter adulthood, around 2 years old.
- Beagles make good apartment dogs!
- It’s important to keep them on strict eating, exercise, playing, and sleeping schedules and train them not to bark and howl while you’re gone.
Many people considering getting a beagle ask “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?.” There are a lot of misconceptions and myths around beagle behavior, but I’m happy to report that they make wonderful apartment dogs, with the right training and routines.
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