Are beagles good guard dogs?

Are beagles good guard dogs

Are beagles good guard dogs?

In general, no beagles are not good guard dogs. Their personality and build don’t make for good guard dogs. However, they are fiercely loyal and protective, which makes them excellent watchdogs. 

Beagles were bred to be hunters, so they’re great at finding something once they catch the scent. However, they were not bred to be guard dogs. However, if an intruder does show up, rest assured your beagle would get vocal and alert you to the disturbance, possibly scaring off the intruder in the process. 

If you’re looking for a guard dog, it’s best to go for a large dog with more aggressive tendencies like a german shepherd. 

In this article, we’ll dive in to: 

By the end of this guide, you’ll understand beagles’ temperament better and how to train them to be protective. 

Why a beagle is protective 

Beagles are pack animals and care deeply about their families. Since they were bred, over centuries, to be hunting dogs, they learned to hunt in groups. This meant that each group member’s survival was integral to the entire group’s survival. 

You may notice your beagle being fiercely protective of you and your family as a result. While they aren’t meant to be guard dogs, beagles make wonderful protective watchdogs. 

Why a beagle is not a good guard dog 

One main reason why beagles are not good guard dogs is their size. Most beagles are small to medium in stature, and just aren’t physically up to defending and attacking most assailants. 

Even during their hunting days, beagles were specifically bred to find prey, and not attack. They were to alert their owner and the other dogs in their pack by braying – a sound like a howl but longer, almost like a yodel. 

Training a beagle to be more protective 

  1. The first and biggest thing is simply to bond with your beagle. Once you and your family have a loving bond with them, beagles will naturally want to protect you. They are pack animals after all. 
  2. Training – train them to sit and stand, etc. so they understand commands. This helps with overall behavior. 
  3. Socialize them – make sure to socialize them around other dogs and humans so they understand and feel what a normal healthy interaction feels like. If you don’t, everything will feel scary to them and they’ll become aggressive unnecessarily. 
  4. Reward them – when your beagle barks because a stranger is at your front door, reward them with a treat. This will reinforce the behavior. I don’t recommend this if you live on a busy street and your home is close to the road. Similarly, this isn’t necessary if you live in a safe suburb. However, it’s a good practice if you live in an isolated area or feel anxiety around strangers coming to your front door. Train your beagle to be an extra set of eyes for you. 

Dog breeds that make good guard dogs 

If you’re looking specifically for a dog that will make a great guard dog, these breeds are well known for that: 

  • German Shepherd 

German shepherds are not only big, but they’re brave and protective. They’re easily trained and have great noses to sniff out threats. That’s why they’re often used by police and military. 

  • Rottweiler

Rottweiler’s are smart and can get quite aggressive when threatened. If an intruder comes into your home, a rottweiler will be a good guard dog. 

  • Bull Mastiff

Bull mastiffs can get HUGE and this body size, plus their intelligence and bravery, makes them wonderful guard dogs.

Best practices for owning a beagle 

Keeping your beagle healthy is essential in preserving and expanding on their intelligence. Follow these principles to keep them healthy and happy: 

  1. Exercise 

Keep your beagle well exercised – this is vital for their energy levels, fitness, and mental health. Adult beagles should get at least two walks a day. 

  1. Mental fitness

Make sure your dog is getting mental stimulation as well. It’s also good for their mental health and sharpness, and overall emotional health. Get them some puzzles to play with while you’re gone. This helps reduce laziness and boredom. Also make sure to practice commands with them and that they are socializing with new dogs and humans every few days. 

  1. Diet 

Feed your beagle high quality dog kibble to keep their energy up. High quality food provides a great return on your investment, as you can’t put a price on your beagle’s good health. While the cheaper dog food might be tempting, you’ll pay for it down the line in expensive health problems that come up as a consequence of their poor diet. 

  1. Training 

Use a system of rewards to teach your beagle to behave well. If they are growling or misbehaving, put them in a crate or in a dog bed in a separate room, and when they do a trick properly, give them a treat. This teaches them what behaviors are good and what behaviors are bad.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Do beagles tend to be aggressive?

No! I wouldn’t say so. Beagles are not known to be an aggressive dog breed. 

Are Beagles even tempered?

Beagles are high energy but overall, yes, they are even tempered and friendly dogs. 

Are Beagles hard to control?

With the right training and routines, no, beagles are not hard to control. After getting through the initial training, they respond well to commands. The only caveat is when they catch a scent and their old hunter instincts kick in. It may be hard to control them from running after an animal at that moment. 

Do Beagles hold grudges?

No, beagles are very forgiving dogs and do not hold grudges. 

Do Beagles ever calm down?

Yes! Beagles will calm down around the 24 month mark. Make sure they’re getting plenty of exercise to tire them out if you find your beagle has a lot of excessive energy. 

Why does my Beagle growl at me?

Your beagle is trying to tell you that they are unhappy for some reason – maybe they’re hungry, need to go to the bathroom, or need water. 

Why are Beagles the worst dogs?

Maybe people wonder if beagles are the worst dogs (check out our in-depth guide to this topic here), but in actuality, they are a loving and wonderful dog to have in your home. 

Are beagles a dangerous dog?

No! Beagles are not dangerous. In fact, they are cuddly and safe dogs to have, even around children. 

What are good small guard dogs?

Small guard dogs include: chihuahuas, shih tzus, miniature pinschers, miniature schnauzers, and bull terriers. Many of these are good small guard dogs because they’re so vocal. 

Are golden retrievers good guard dogs? 

Golden retrievers are fiercely loyal and protective, so they make great watchdogs. However, they might not make the best guard dogs due to their friendly affable natures. 

Are labradors good guard dogs? 

No, labradors are overall too friendly to be great guard dogs. However, their protective, loving nature makes them good watchdogs. 


  • No, beagles are not good guard dogs. 
  • However, they are good watchdogs. 
  • You can train your beagle to be more protective. 

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