Are beagles good with cats?
There’s a popular misconception that all dogs and cats don’t get along. This has been extended to beagles, but in reality, beagles get along great with cats!
If you have cats and are considering getting a beagle, or vice versa, don’t hesitate to do so because you think they won’t get along. In all likelihood, they will! However, to increase your chances of your beagle and your cats getting along, read on to learn more about beagle and cat compatibility, how to introduce the two, and potential pitfalls.
In this article, we’ll explore:
- Are beagles good with cats?
- Why beagles get along with cats
- How to introduce a beagle to your cats, and vice versa
- Potential pitfalls of owning a beagle and a cat
- Beagle and cat owner testimonials
- Best practices for owning a beagle
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Do beagles get along with cats?
- Why does my Beagle chase my cat?
- Are beagles difficult pets?
- What dogs like cats?
- Do beagles like to sleep with you?
- What is a good companion for a cat?
- How do you tell if a dog will be good with cats?
- Are cats happier in pairs?
- Will a beagle kill a cat?
- What medium-sized dog breeds are good with cats?
- What small dog breeds are good with cats?
- Recap: Are beagles good with cats?
By the end of our guide, you’ll know everything you need to know about coliving with beagles and cats!
Why beagles get along with cats
Below are the biggest reasons why beagles tend to get along with cats:
- Beagles are packs animals
The biggest reason why beagles likely get along with cats is their pack mentality. They were bred to be hunting dogs, and to protect other dogs in their packs fiercely. Your beagle likely also views you and your family as part of their pack.
Once you introduce your beagle and your cats properly, they will likely adopt your cats as part of their pack. You may notice playful fighting and nipping at times, this is normal.
- Beagles have a friendly nature
Another popular misconception about beagles is that they’re aggressive (read our guide on beagle aggression here). In reality, beagles are generally very mild and agreeable dogs. The misconception likely comes from the fact that beagles are high energy dogs, which is something easily managed with regular walks and playtime!
- Beagles’ small size
Beagles tend to be smaller on average, which is something to consider when owning both dogs and cats! Larger dogs, even those with the friendliest personalities, can accidentally hurt your cats without meaning to.
Even the largest of beagles don’t get that big. Adult male beagles can grow up to 16 inches and weigh at most around 25 pounds, while female beagles can grow up to 15 inches and weigh at most around 22 pounds.
How to introduce a beagle to your cats, and vice versa
The below steps and best practices will vary, depending on how skittish your pets are. Use your judgment wisely, but never throw a beagle into a room with your cats with no preparation.
- Show each pet the other’s scent
Cats and beagles have an amazing sense of smell, far superior to human’s sense of smell. In particular, beagles, as hunting dogs, have highly developed noses.
You can get a towel and rub it on your beagle and using a separate clean towel, do the same thing with your cat. You can also use one of their toys instead as it’ll already be covered in their scent. Put the cat item in your beagle’s bed, and vice versa. This process will familiarize each pet with the other’s scent and reduce anxiety around spending time with them.
- Feed them at the same time
Next, feed your beagle and cat at the same time. If they are skittish immediately, feed them in separate rooms or put a room divider between them. This helps them learn how to eat with one another without fighting over the food.
Over time, have them eat near one another and continuously monitor them for aggression. Note: make sure to watch the two of them eat for several weeks, even after they’ve done it successfully. Beagles tend to have huge appetites and may be stealing your cat’s food secretly.
- Hold playdates
For the first playdate, keep your beagle on a leash. Make sure your cat has a place they can escape to, so don’t do the playdate in a tiny room. It’s preferable to do it in a larger space where a door is open for your cat to escape if they want. We don’t want to traumatize your cat, which will affect future interactions between the two.
Allow your cat to walk up to your beagle and sniff. Cats in general are more skittish and wary than dogs are. If they run away, that’s fine. Try again later or the next day. Try in the morning and evenings until both animals are calm in each other’s presence.
Tip: give your beagle a treat when they act calm. Beagles are much more responsive to treats and training than cats are. It also helps immensely if you’ve already done obedience training with your beagle.
- Leave them alone for 10-15 minutes
After your beagle and your cat are able to be calm together in the same room, leave them alone together for 10-15 minutes. Listen in from outside for signs of aggression and go in if you hear anything. More likely than not, you won’t hear anything. After 15 minutes go in, and give both pets lots of praise and treats.
- Leave them alone for prolonged periods of time with peace of mind
After this training, you should try leaving them alone while you go about your daily life. For the first few weeks, you could consider installing a pet camera to make sure no funny business or food stealing is going on while you’re gone.
Now you can live with both pets with peace of mind knowing that they’re friendly with one another!
Potential pitfalls of owning a beagle and a cat
- Some dogs are drawn to kitty litter and eating cat poop. This is related to beagles eating poop, which is a common phenomenon amongst all dogs. For more on beagles eating poop, read our guide here. Make sure to train out this behavior as it’s not healthy or safe for beagles to continuously eat cat litter.
- Cats may scratch beagles. If cats feel threatened and put in a corner, they may lash out. It’s important you clip their nails and properly introduce the two animals so they’re both comfortable. Always make sure your cat has an escape route.
Beagle and cat owner testimonials
If you need more proof that beagles and cats can get along, there is a wealth of first-person testimonials. Just check out this testimonial page on Reddit. Here are just a few of the quotes:
“We adopted a 4 year old beagle when our cat was 2. He was used to our other dog so the beagle addition didn’t phase him. Our other dog tolerates the cat but they give each other space. Our cat and our beagle are bffs and I often find them curled up together.” – mindofdstructvtaste
“Our beagles have had different relationships with all of our cats. Our old beagle would cuddle one of our cats, our new beagle will play hide and seek with our younger cat, but the older cat wants nothing to do with her. She’s learned which cat is which and treats them accordingly!” – DJKittyDC
“We also didn’t force any meetings.. now I can lay on the couch with both of them, they hang out together all day every day, run towards each other, and it feels like all of my wildest dreams came true” – Wonderful-Army-4715

Best practices for owning a beagle
Keeping your beagle healthy is essential in helping them get along with your cat. Follow these general guidelines to keep them healthy and happy:
- Exercise
Keep your beagle well exercised – this is vital for their energy levels, fitness, and mental health. Adult beagles should get at least two walks a day.
- Mental fitness
Make sure your dog is getting mental stimulation as well. It’s also good for their mental health and sharpness, and overall emotional health. Get them some puzzles to play with while you’re gone. This helps reduce laziness and boredom. Also make sure to practice commands with them.
- Socializing
It’s imperative that your beagle socialize frequently with other dogs and humans. This helps them when they’re introduced to your cat, as they’ll be familiar with meeting new creatures without fear. It’s also good for their mental health.
- Diet
Feed your beagle high quality dog kibble to keep their energy up. High quality food provides a great return on your investment, as you can’t put a price on your beagle’s good health. While the cheaper dog food might be tempting, you’ll pay for it down the line in expensive health problems that come up as a consequence of their poor diet.
- Training
Use a system of rewards to teach your beagle to behave well. If they are growling or misbehaving, put them in a crate or in a dog bed in a separate room, and when they do a trick properly, give them a treat. This teaches them what behaviors are good and what behaviors are bad.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Do beagles get along with cats?
Why does my Beagle chase my cat?
It’s likely your beagle is just having fun. Don’t fear, they won’t eat or hurt your cat. However, you should train your beagle out of this behavior as your cat likely hates being chased.
Are beagles difficult pets?
The topic of beagles’ myriad personality traits is one that often leads people to wonder – “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?” However, we think beagles have been unfairly maligned – they are not difficult pets and are actually highly trainable, loving, and wonderful pets.
What dogs like cats?
Golden retrievers are probably best known for liking and getting along well with cats. After them, the list includes Labradors, pugs, poodles, poodle mixes, basset hounds, and beagles.
Do beagles like to sleep with you?
Yes! If given the chance, beagles would love to snuggle and sleep in bed with you. To learn about beagles’ ability to cuddle, read our article here.
What is a good companion for a cat?
Besides another cat, tortoises, rabbits, and many dog breeds make good companions for a cat.
How do you tell if a dog will be good with cats?
Observe how a dog is initially with a cat – do they immediately bark, chase, and act aggressively? If so, it’s likely they won’t be good with cats and will at the very least, require a lot of training to get along with cats. It may mean that they will merely tolerate cats even after extensive training.
Are cats happier in pairs?
Yes. Despite seeming introverted, cats are happier in pairs than alone. They need companionship too.
Will a beagle kill a cat?
No, a beagle will not kill a cat or even purposefully hurt it. If it seems like your beagle is prowling for a cat, it’s just their hunting instincts. In fact, beagles were bred specifically to locate and not hurt their prey.
What medium-sized dog breeds are good with cats?
Besides the beagle, medium-sized dogs that are good with cats include: Smaller Labradors, Basset Hounds, pugs, dachshunds, and bichon frisés.
What small dog breeds are good with cats?
Poodles, poodle mixes, pomeranians, shetland sheepdogs, welsh corgis, and maltese dogs are all small dogs that are good with cats.
Recap: Are beagles good with cats?
- Yes, beagles are good with cats!
- Make sure to introduce beagles and cats properly so they have a good lifelong relationship.
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