Are beagles hard to train?
In all honesty, yes, beagles are hard to train. At least, they’re harder to train than the average dog. There are several reasons why. In this article, we’ll cover tips and tricks to training your beagle. Stick with it, it’s worth it, I promise!
- Are beagles hard to train?
- Why a beagle is hard to train
- How to train your beagle
- Training your beagle to get along with your cats
- Owner testimonials
- Best practices for owning a beagle
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Are beagles hard to train?
- How long does it take to train a Beagle?
- How do you train a beagle puppy not to bite?
- Are beagles easy to care for?
- What is the hardest dog to train?
- At what age does a Beagle calm down?
- What dog has the highest IQ?
- What is one of the easiest dogs to train?
- Are Beagles really cuddly?
- How stubborn are Beagles?
- Are beagles good for first time owners?
- Recap: Are beagles hard to train?
Why a beagle is hard to train
Beagles were bred centuries ago in the United Kingdom to be hunting dogs. They have incredibly sharp noses and can detect scents from miles away. When they catch the scent and their old hunter instincts kick in, it’s near impossible to get them to stop hunting. They may run after their prey and be very difficult to catch.
Don’t be alarmed – beagles were also bred not to hurt the thing they were hunting. They were trained to find an animal and then howl or bray for their owner. So once your beagle finds its target, it will probably start yelping for you.
This is also the reason beagles don’t score highly on the dog intelligence test. To read more in depth about beagle intelligence, check out our article here. Basically, the test is based on obedience, but beagles have a different type of intelligence. They are very physically gifted and able to learn from their mistakes.
Another reason beagles may be harder to train than most dogs is they’re quite high energy. Beagles tend to calm down around the two year mark, but it’s best to train them when they’re puppies. For this reason, it’s often difficult to train them because people are training them in their most high energy state. Make sure your beagle pup gets plenty of walks to tire them out. This will help with training.
How to train your beagle
It’s vital you remain patient and consistent with your beagle. You will thank yourself down the line. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to train your beagle. It’s best to start when they’re young, around 7-8 weeks old.
- Establish yourself as the alpha
Beagles are pack animals and won’t listen to you if you aren’t deemed the alpha in their eyes. Always eat before your beagle and make sure they learn commands (more on that below). Don’t be wishy-washy as in, you give them food from your dinner when they make puppy eyes and then refuse to give them food the next meal when you’re attempting boundaries. This will confuse them and let them know to keep trying to test you.
- Teach commands
Teaching your beagle how to sit, stay, shake, and come are very useful in teaching them a reward system and how to be more obedient. Basically, say the command, then have them do the behavior by sitting them down manually, or whatever the particular command is. When they do the command successfully, give them a treat. Over time, they will realize that doing the command and listening to you is a good thing.
- House break your beagle
Make sure you’ve taught them to go to the bathroom outside. Again, use commands and treats to reward them when they’ve done this correctly. Keep a close watch on them during their puppy stage because they will inevitably go to the bathroom inside. Immediately scold them and say “no” loudly. As they show signs of needing to go to the bathroom, take them out immediately and give them a treat afterwards. Soon, you’ll have a beagle who is potty and apartment trained. If you’re living with a beagle in an apartment, don’t fear. They make great apartment dogs. Read more here.
- Always encourage them and never ever use physical violence or fear to motivate them. It will only work temporarily, is cruel and unnecessary, and simply put, makes you a terrible dog owner.
Training your beagle to get along with your cats
If you have cats, make sure to properly introduce the two. Contrary to popular belief, beagles and cats can actually get along great. Follow the below steps to get them to being friends in no time:
- Show each pet the other’s scent
Cats and beagles have an amazing sense of smell, far superior to human’s sense of smell. In particular, beagles, as hunting dogs, have highly developed noses.
You can get a towel and rub it on your beagle and using a separate clean towel, do the same thing with your cat. You can also use one of their toys instead as it’ll already be covered in their scent. Put the cat item in your beagle’s bed, and vice versa. This process will familiarize each pet with the other’s scent and reduce anxiety around spending time with them.
- Feed them at the same time
Next, feed your beagle and cat at the same time. If they are skittish immediately, feed them in separate rooms or put a room divider between them. This helps them learn how to eat with one another without fighting over the food.
Over time, have them eat near one another and continuously monitor them for aggression. Note: make sure to watch the two of them eat for several weeks, even after they’ve done it successfully. Beagles tend to have huge appetites and may be stealing your cat’s food secretly.
- Hold playdates
For the first playdate, keep your beagle on a leash. Make sure your cat has a place they can escape to, so don’t do the playdate in a tiny room. It’s preferable to do it in a larger space where a door is open for your cat to escape if they want. We don’t want to traumatize your cat, which will affect future interactions between the two.
Allow your cat to walk up to your beagle and sniff. Cats in general are more skittish and wary than dogs are. If they run away, that’s fine. Try again later or the next day. Try in the morning and evenings until both animals are calm in each other’s presence.
Tip: give your beagle a treat when they act calm. Beagles are much more responsive to treats and training than cats are. It also helps immensely if you’ve already done obedience training with your beagle.
- Leave them alone for 10-15 minutes
After your beagle and your cat are able to be calm together in the same room, leave them alone together for 10-15 minutes. Listen in from outside for signs of aggression and go in if you hear anything. More likely than not, you won’t hear anything. After 15 minutes go in, and give both pets lots of praise and treats.
- Leave them alone for prolonged periods of time with peace of mind
After this training, you should try leaving them alone while you go about your daily life. For the first few weeks, you could consider installing a pet camera to make sure no funny business or food stealing is going on while you’re gone.
Now you can live with both pets with peace of mind knowing that they’re friendly with one another!

Owner testimonials
A quick search on the internet brings up dozens of stories of people having difficulty training their dogs. However, there are many success stories too. I found these owner testimonies on just one Quora page:
“Obviously, as with people, it all depends on the character of each individual dog. My Beagle was so easy to train but his best buddy, another Beagle of my neighbor, is stubborn, never listens and it’s very difficult to train him. But I bet that with enough patience, frequency, delicious treats and enthusiasm he would be. Not every owner has the same patience either, so the result at the end has many reasons.” – Demian R
“Beagles can be difficult to train due to their independent and stubborn nature, their high energy levels, and their short attention spans. However, with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, beagles can be trained to be obedient and well-mannered pets.” – Dog train course
“They aren’t hard to train. They aren’t “fundamentally different,” and they aren’t “pack animals.” All you need to train a Beagle or any other dog or any breed or mix of breeds is knowledge of behavior science, compassion, and skill.” – Cindy Ludwig
“Remember to be consistent and patient when training your Beagle. Beagles are smart dogs and will learn quickly, but it can take some time to get them to become obedient. Be patient and positive and your Beagle will become a well-behaved and obedient pet.” – Dog train course
Best practices for owning a beagle
Keeping your beagle healthy is essential in the training process. Follow these principles to keep them healthy and happy:
- Exercise
Keep your beagle well exercised – this is vital for their energy levels, fitness, and mental health. Adult beagles should get at least two walks a day.
- Mental fitness
Make sure your dog is getting mental stimulation as well. It’s also good for their mental health and sharpness, and overall emotional health. Get them some puzzles to play with while you’re gone. This helps reduce laziness and boredom. Also make sure to practice commands with them and that they are socializing with new dogs and humans every few days.
- Diet
Feed your beagle high quality dog kibble to keep their energy up. High quality food provides a great return on your investment, as you can’t put a price on your beagle’s good health. While the cheaper dog food might be tempting, you’ll pay for it down the line in expensive health problems that come up as a consequence of their poor diet.
- Training
Use a system of rewards to teach your beagle to behave well. If they are growling or misbehaving, put them in a crate or in a dog bed in a separate room, and when they do a trick properly, give them a treat. This teaches them what behaviors are good and what behaviors are bad.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Are beagles hard to train?
How long does it take to train a Beagle?
Training should take 2 months. Be consistent and it won’t bleed into 3 months. It’s all worth it, just remember to be consistent and patient. They’re trying their best!
How do you train a beagle puppy not to bite?
Similarly to potty training, when a beagle puppy bites, say “no!” and scold them. When they quiet down, give them a treat. They will learn to stop barking this way.
Are beagles easy to care for?
Yes! If you give beagles proper routines, they are easy to care for. You can leave them alone for up to 6 hours (provided they don’t develop separation anxiety), they have short hair that’s easy to tend to, and they’re friendly and mellow. Make sure they aren’t overeating as they tend to become overweight.
What is the hardest dog to train?
The hardest dog to train is likely the Rottweiler. Other hard dogs to train include pit bull terriers, bullmastiffs, basset hounds, and siberian huskies.
At what age does a Beagle calm down?
Beagles calm down around adulthood, so roughly when they turn 24 months or 2 years old.
What dog has the highest IQ?
According to the dog IQ test, the Border Collie is easiest to train.
What is one of the easiest dogs to train?
The border collie. Because the dog IQ test is based off obedience, it’s no surprise that the smartest dog is also the easiest to train.
Are Beagles really cuddly?
Yes! Beagles love affection and cuddling with you. To learn more about this trait of theirs, check out our full article on this topic here.
How stubborn are Beagles?
Beagles can be stubborn when they’re on the hunt. But other than that, they can be quite obedient, especially if trained properly.
Are beagles good for first time owners?
I’d say yes, beagles are good for first time owners because they’re loyal, make great watchdogs, are a small and manageable size, and have great personalities.
Recap: Are beagles hard to train?
- Yes, beagles are hard to train. However, it can be done with persistence!
- It’s worth it to train a beagle properly. They make wonderful loving pets.
The beagles’ difficulty in being trained often leads people to wonder – “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?” However, we think it’s well worth it to go through the training because beagles make wonderful dogs. They’re great with families, protective, loving, and good apartment dogs. Don’t give up!
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