Are beagles hypoallergenic?

Are beagles hypoallergenic?

Are beagles hypoallergenic?

The quick answer to this question is no, beagles are not hypoallergenic. This does not necessarily mean you will be allergic to them if you have allergies. However, if you are someone who is allergic to all dogs, you will likely be allergic to beagles. 

Due to beagle fur and shedding seasons, they are not an ideal dog for someone with severe dog allergies. There are things you can do to minimize dog allergies if you’re committed to owning a beagle and suffer from mild dog allergies. 

In this article, we’ll explore: 

Beagle shed and fur 

Beagles shed fur year round and twice a year during shedding seasons (spring and fall). Read our in depth guide to how much beagles shed here. For the purposes of this article, all you need to know is that beagles lose fur every day, and twice a year, they lose fur at a rapid clip. 

Because shedding season coincides with allergy season,  beagle shedding will be a big problem for your allergies if you are also allergic to pollen and have seasonal allergies. Beagles have two coats of fur, which means there’s more fur to shed throughout the year. 

Allergies to beagles 

Just because a beagle sheds, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will have allergies to them, even if you’re someone prone to dog allergies. While you could be allergic to beagles hair or the dander that falls from all dog’s bodies, allergies are complex. You may have less sensitivity to beagles due to environmental factors, genetics, or being exposed to them when you were younger. 

Many people (myself included) even develop new allergies later in life, as well as lose allergies as they get older. If you have mild allergies and want a beagle, spend time with one before committing to a beagle puppy to see how your body reacts. 

Hypoallergenic dogs 

Now, if you simply want a hypoallergenic dog, there are many dog breeds available to you. 

  1. Poodles 

Perhaps the most famous hypoallergenic dog is the poodle. They only have one coat of fur and are well known to be hypoallergenic. There are instances of people developing allergies to them, although it’s rare. 

  1. Bichon frisé 

Bichon frisés are also well known to be hypoallergenic. They’re also loyal and playful! 

  1. Maltese 

Maltese are small companion dogs that are friendly and often hypoallergenic. 

  1. Basenji 

The basenji has short hair and is hypoallergenic. 

  1. Havanese 

These adorable fluffs of fur surprisingly don’t shed as much as you’d think. 

Recognizing your allergies

Sometimes you don’t even know you’re having allergies. You think you might be sick or just tired. Keep a lookout for these symptoms to properly identify your allergies and treat them accordingly. 

  • Watery eyes
  • Itchy eyes 
  • Sneezing 
  • Head cold 
  • Itchy skin 
  • Rashes 
  • Congested

Improving your allergies 

It’s possible to improve your allergies! They aren’t set in stone. If you have very mild allergies to beagles, there are things you can do to keep your allergies at bay. 

  • Keep your home, especially your carpet and rugs clean of fur. Vacuum daily if possible. 
  • Brush your beagle regularly (1-2 times a day) so there isn’t a build up of fur that gets left in random places in your home. Use a high quality brush to do the job right. 
  • Keep yourself healthy through proper diet, exercise and sleep. This keeps your immune system strong and helps fight off allergic reactions.  
  • Expose your children to beagles at a young age, so they develop immunity to them that lasts a lifetime. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Are beagles hypoallergenic?

Is there a non shedding Beagle?

No – all beagles shed throughout the year. In actuality, there is no true non shedding dog, just ones that are very low shedding. 

Is a beagle an indoor or outdoor dog?

While beagles were bred to be hunting dogs, the modern beagle is firmly an indoor dog. 

Are Beagles good left alone?

Beagles are pack animals and need companionship. They can struggle with separation anxiety if left alone for longer than 6 hours. Read our guide here on leaving beagles alone.

Are Beagles cuddle dogs?

Yes! Beagles love to cuddle. To learn more about this trait, read our article on beagle cuddliness here.  

Are Beagles high maintenance?

No, beagles are not considered high maintenance although they are high energy. 

Are beagles high anxiety?

Beagles aren’t considered high anxiety in general but they may develop separation anxiety if left alone too regularly for too long. 

How many years do beagles live?

On average, beagles live for 12-15 years, which is on par with most dogs their size. 

Is a beagle a smart dog?

Yes! Beagles are considered intelligent dogs. Read more on beagle intelligence here.

Are there 2 types of beagles?

Yes! The first type are under 13 inches at the shoulder and the second type are between 13 to 15 inches at the shoulder. 

Recap: Are beagles hypoallergenic?

  • No, beagles are not hypoallergenic dogs. 
  • However, this doesn’t mean you will necessarily develop allergies to beagles. 
  • There are several things you can do to reduce allergies. 

Bagels sometimes get a bad rep, leading people to wonder – “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?” However, despite not being hypoallergenic, they are lovable, cuddly and loyal pets that are worth having. 

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