At what age do beagles calm down?
The answer to “At what age do beagles calm down?” is actually quite complex and boils down to the individual beagle’s temperament, training, and environment but in general, beagles calm down around the two year mark.
In this article, we’ll dive into:
- At what age do beagles calm down?
- Stages of beagle maturity
- How to help your beagle calm down
- Common causes of beagle hyperactivity
- What to do if your beagle is freaking out over your cat
- When real world beagles calmed down: Owner testimonials
- Best practices for owning a beagle
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): At what age do beagles calm down?
- Are Beagles the hardest to train?
- Do Beagles always run away?
- Are beagles difficult dogs to own?
- Do Beagles like to sleep with you?
- Do beagles have a favorite person?
- Do beagles calm down after neutering?
- How do I know if my Beagle is happy?
- How can you tell if a Beagle is unhappy?
- Recap: At what age do beagles calm down?
By the end of this guide, you’ll know everything you need to know about calming your beagle down.
Stages of beagle maturity
Most beagles will be in one of the below five stages of maturity:
- Young puppy (0 to 4 months old) – hyper
At this stage, your beagle is excitable and very energetic. It’s near impossible to train them for most of this stage. You should start training them around 8 weeks old.

- Growing puppy (4 to 12 months old) – very hyper
Beagle puppies at this stage have grown and have more strength to vent their excitability. That’s why they often appear even more excitable at this stage than when they were younger.
- Adolescent beagle (1 to 2 years old) – Still hyper, but getting more controlled
Your beagle should look full grown by now, however their brains are still in the puppy/teen years. If you’ve been diligently training them, it should be paying off by now. But they’ll still have a lot of energy at this stage. Many people are confused because their beagle looks full grown but is still acting like a puppy. Don’t worry, the calm period is just around the corner.
- Adult beagles (2 to 8 years old) – Calming down
This is when beagles have calmed down because they’re entering adulthood, both physically and mentally. You’re fully enjoying living with them and they’re obedient and following commands like clockwork. Their tantrums and indoor accidents are a thing of the past.
- Elderly beagles (8 year+) – Very very calm
Your beagle is a wise old soul now. They’re entering their older years and are just enjoying life now, not exploring as much. Note: beagles live on average for 12 years so you have roughly 4 years with them as calm senior dogs.
How to help your beagle calm down
When your beagle is a puppy, begin playing with them in a crate area. This will expel energy and teach them socialization. After they’ve had their doggie shots, wait two weeks, and then start taking them out on daily walks. You should take them out 2 to 3 times a day for at least 20 minutes. While out, you can teach them to fetch, go on a slight run, and long walks. Hiking is probably out of the question because they’re so unruly and will gobble up any dirt or debris in sight. As well, start training them now, as early as the 8 week mark.
When your puppy grows into adolescence (around the 1 year mark), we can level up their exercise and mental stimulation. Perhaps you can start taking your beagle on structured runs or hikes. Let him off leash to sprint up hills. By now, all your training will have paid off as your beagle will know to “come” and “sit”.
You should also give your beagle some puzzles to play with while you’re gone. This will help with mental stimulation and will tire out their brains.
As your beagle becomes an adult (2+ years old), more best practices to do to keep your beagle calm include:
- Daily exercise
- Socializing with other dogs and humans
- You can play calming music at home
- If they’re anxious while sleeping, a white noise machine will help
Common causes of beagle hyperactivity
It’s likely your beagle is hyperactive for one or more of the following reasons:
- Age: they’re simply puppies and need time to mature and calm down
- Boredom: they’ve been left alone too long and have pent up energy
- Lack of exercise: similar to humans, if beagles don’t move enough, they can go a bit stir crazy. Make sure to properly exercise your beagle
- Separation anxiety: Beagles grow very attached to their owners. If you leave them alone too long too regularly, they can get separation anxiety and become hyperactive. Read our guide here for tips on reducing separation anxiety when you leave your beagle alone.
- Too much food: if your beagle has eaten too much, their bodies will naturally want to expel the extra calories. Calories are energy. Make sure to keep a close watch on your beagle’s eating because they are prone to obesity.
What to do if your beagle is freaking out over your cat
It could be that your beagle is hyperactive because a cat has come into the household. To prevent hyperactivity because of a new cat, follow the steps below:
- Show each pet the other’s scent
Cats and beagles have an amazing sense of smell, far superior to human’s sense of smell. In particular, beagles, as hunting dogs, have highly developed noses.
You can get a towel and rub it on your beagle and using a separate clean towel, do the same thing with your cat. You can also use one of their toys instead as it’ll already be covered in their scent. Put the cat item in your beagle’s bed, and vice versa. This process will familiarize each pet with the other’s scent and reduce anxiety around spending time with them.
- Feed them at the same time
Next, feed your beagle and cat at the same time. If they are skittish immediately, feed them in separate rooms or put a room divider between them. This helps them learn how to eat with one another without fighting over the food.
Over time, have them eat near one another and continuously monitor them for aggression. Note: make sure to watch the two of them eat for several weeks, even after they’ve done it successfully. Beagles tend to have huge appetites and may be stealing your cat’s food secretly.
- Hold playdates
For the first playdate, keep your beagle on a leash. Make sure your cat has a place they can escape to, so don’t do the playdate in a tiny room. It’s preferable to do it in a larger space where a door is open for your cat to escape if they want. We don’t want to traumatize your cat, which will affect future interactions between the two.
Allow your cat to walk up to your beagle and sniff. Cats in general are more skittish and wary than dogs are. If they run away, that’s fine. Try again later or the next day. Try in the morning and evenings until both animals are calm in each other’s presence.
Tip: give your beagle a treat when they act calm. Beagles are much more responsive to treats and training than cats are. It also helps immensely if you’ve already done obedience training with your beagle.
- Leave them alone for 10-15 minutes
After your beagle and your cat are able to be calm together in the same room, leave them alone together for 10-15 minutes. Listen in from outside for signs of aggression and go in if you hear anything. More likely than not, you won’t hear anything. After 15 minutes go in, and give both pets lots of praise and treats.
- Leave them alone for prolonged periods of time with peace of mind
After this training, you should try leaving them alone while you go about your daily life. For the first few weeks, you could consider installing a pet camera to make sure no funny business or food stealing is going on while you’re gone.
Now you can live with both pets with peace of mind knowing that they’re friendly with one another!
When real world beagles calmed down: Owner testimonials
The internet has countless stories of beagles calming down around the 2 year mark, and even before then. This single reddit thread has a few owner testimonials in response to the question: “At what age do beagles calm down?”
“Mine calmed down when she turned one. She gets super hyper when anyone comes over or the doorbell rings but afterward she just wants love. She is such a cuddler.”
“Mine was around 1.5 years old.”
My beagle has always been an “old soul”- she never really was overly hyper or chewed etc etc but she’s always been a cranky old lady at heart.”
“They do get calmer, but that’s part of their charm. Remember, beagles are SUPER smart. If you don’t provide enough for them to do, they’ll find their own trouble. I recommend toys that dole out food in small amounts.”

Best practices for owning a beagle
Keeping your beagle healthy is essential in controlling their excitability. Follow these principles to keep them healthy and happy:
- Exercise
Keep your beagle well exercised – this is vital for their energy levels, fitness, and mental health. Adult beagles should get at least two walks a day.
- Mental fitness
Make sure your dog is getting mental stimulation as well. It’s also good for their mental health and sharpness, and overall emotional health. Get them some puzzles to play with while you’re gone. This helps reduce laziness and boredom. Also make sure to practice commands with them and that they are socializing with new dogs and humans every few days.
- Diet
Feed your beagle high quality dog kibble to keep their energy up. High quality food provides a great return on your investment, as you can’t put a price on your beagle’s good health. While the cheaper dog food might be tempting, you’ll pay for it down the line in expensive health problems that come up as a consequence of their poor diet.
- Training
Use a system of rewards to teach your beagle to behave well. If they are growling or misbehaving, put them in a crate or in a dog bed in a separate room, and when they do a trick properly, give them a treat. This teaches them what behaviors are good and what behaviors are bad.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): At what age do beagles calm down?
Are Beagles the hardest to train?
Beagles are slightly harder to train than the average dog, but they aren’t the hardest to train. The hardest dog to train is likely the Rottweiler. Other hard dogs to train include pit bull terriers, bullmastiffs, basset hounds, and Siberian huskies.
Do Beagles always run away?
Because beagles are scentdogs and were bred over centuries to be hunters, if they catch a scent it’s hard for them to not follow it. That’s the most likely reason they’ve run away. Over time, with the right training, they will stop running away so much.
Are beagles difficult dogs to own?
I wouldn’t say so, no! Beagles are loyal, smart, loving and wonderful apartment dogs.
Do Beagles like to sleep with you?
Yes! If given the chance, beagles would love to snuggle and sleep in bed with you. To learn about beagles’ ability to cuddle, read our article here.
Do beagles have a favorite person?
Yes, beagles tend to bond with one person in the household especially well. Sometimes this is the person who brought them home or the person who spends the most time with them.
Do beagles calm down after neutering?
Neutering might calm your beagle down slightly, but the beagles energy has multiple causes so it’s unlikely neutering will turn them into calm dogs overnight.
How do I know if my Beagle is happy?
A beagle is happy if they’re wagging their tail, jumping excitedly, yelping, and wanting to play with you.
How can you tell if a Beagle is unhappy?
If a beagle is unhappy, they’ll whine or whimper, refuse treats, have low energy, or mope around the home.
Recap: At what age do beagles calm down?
- Beagles tend to calm down around the 24 month or 2 year mark.
- However, many owners report their beagles calming down 6-12 months earlier.
- Make sure to train your beagle properly and give them routines to help them calm donw.
The topic of beagles’ excitability is one that often leads people to wonder – “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?” However, we think beagles have been unfairly maligned, they calm down at a normal age and are quite calm and well behaved if given the proper training and routines.
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