Can beagles swim?
Despite the misconception that beagles are lazy, they are actually highly energetic and yes, beagles can swim. However, despite their high energy, they actually are not a dog breed known to love swimming.
However, there are things you can do to help your beagle swim better and to love swimming! It’s an especially great hobby for them to pick up young, because when they get into old age, it’s a great form of exercise for their joints and any pain in their body.
In this article, we’ll dive into:
- Can beagles swim?
- Beagle behavior: how they approach swimming
- Teaching your beagle to swim
- Benefits of swimming
- “Swimmer’s ears” in beagles
- Keeping beagles safe while swimming
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
- What if my beagle refuses to swim?
- Why is my Beagle scared of water?
- Are Beagles cuddle dogs?
- Do Beagles like the ocean?
- Do Beagles like the beach?
- What is a Beagle's favorite thing to do?
- How long can Beagles hold their pee?
- What dog breed is scared of water?
- What are Beagles scared of?
- Can Beagles sense sadness?
- Recap: Can beagles swim?
By the end of this guide, you’ll know everything you need to get your beagle into the water and enjoying themselves safely!
Beagle behavior: how they approach swimming
Beagles were bred to be hunting dogs and as a result, are agile, quick, and active. Historically, they needed to develop a lot of energy to keep up on long hunting trips. They can be especially high energy until they mellow out, usually around age two.
In addition, beagles are intelligent and capable of learning from other dogs. Training your beagle to swim when they’re a puppy is highly effective, especially if they learn from an older dog. Because they’re pack animals, they tend to gravitate and follow the lead of the dominant dog.
Lastly, beagles are adventurous and curious. They are brave and likely to enjoy the challenge of learning to swim.
For these reasons, beagles are a great dog to teach swimming to – not only are they high energy and adventurous, they’re trainable and smart. They often end up being great swimmers.
Teaching your beagle to swim
How do you teach your beagle to swim?
Some beagles will be naturals and won’t need any teaching. Younger pups and those that aren’t traumatized are the easiest to teach, as they have the least fear. Follow these steps to train your beagle to swim properly:
- Introduce them to water
To begin with, you can start with a small body of water like a bath or a smaller pool. Get their feet wet and when they’re used to that, carry their bodies into the water (head above water) so they can feel the water and know they’re safe. Lakes and streams are great too because they’re still and calm.
- Have them paddle while you hold them
Hold their bodies as they try to swim, always making sure you have a grip on them. They’ll slowly figure out how to paddle and swim on their own. Some may even pick it up instantly!
- Let them swim!
Walk into the body of water with your beagle, to show them where the entrance is. If you don’t do this, they might go in through the deep end and water will go into the nose and mouth, potentially causing a panic. Bring treats and reward them for being brave. You’ll see in no time, you pet swimming and enjoying themselves alongside you!

Benefits of swimming
Swimming provides a range of benefits for beagles that include:
- It’s easy on the joints
Swimming is great for beagles’ joints, which can become a problem as they get older, especially amongst beagles 8 years and older. It’s a great form of exercise that doesn’t put undue pressure on their joints.
- Weight management
Beagles are prone to obesity, and swimming is a great way to keep them trim and healthy.
- Physical activity
Beagles need exercise to thrive, at least two longer walks a day. If they aren’t properly exercised, they can get aggressive. Swimming tires them out and keeps them physically fit.
- Mental stimulation
Beagles are highly intelligent – to learn more, check out our guide on how smart beagles are here. They need to be challenged and to have new stimuli to keep their brains sharp. Side tip: if you need to keep your beagle at home for long stretches of time, consider investing in some puzzles to keep them occupied and mentally fit.
- Cools them down
Because beagles are a dog breed with two coats, they can get really hot during the summer months, especially before the shedding season (spring and fall). To learn more about beagles’ shedding, check out our article on beagle shedding here. If you live in a hot climate or a place with frequent heat waves, a swim is a great and healthy way to cool them down.
“Swimmer’s ears” in beagles
On account of their long floppy ears, beagles often get water trapped in their ears when they go swimming. This can lead to a painful ear infection if left untreated, especially if you take them swimming in a lake. Make sure to clean their ears properly. This ear treatment is one of Amazon’s top-rated choices and will safely clean your beagle’s ear out and prevent an infection.
Also, never use a q-tip as this may rupture their eardrum on accident. (Same advice goes for humans!)
Keeping beagles safe while swimming
Always make sure to keep an eye on your beagle when swimming, especially if you’re at a lake. Because of their hunting instincts, if they catch the scent while swimming, they may swim or run off and get himself in danger.
One thing you can do to foolproof your beagle is put a life jacket on them. This life jacket will fit any small to average sized beagle and keep them safe while swimming.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
What if my beagle refuses to swim?
You can ask a friend who has a dog that enjoys swimming to go together with you and your pet. This often prompts beagles to learn to swim from their peers. Since they’re pack animals, this strategy is usually highly effective.
Why is my Beagle scared of water?
It might be that your beagle has traumatic memories associated with water or they simply don’t know what’s going on. If you model behavior that shows water is safe, they should move past their fear. You can also show them other dogs in water and that will help ease their minds.
Are Beagles cuddle dogs?
Yes, beagles are highly affectionate and love to cuddle.
Do Beagles like the ocean?
While beagles can swim, they aren’t known to love swimming and as a result, often aren’t drawn to the ocean.
Do Beagles like the beach?
Although beagles may not love the ocean, they sure do love the beach and running around the sun, sniffing and exploring all those new scents!
What is a Beagle’s favorite thing to do?
Beagles love walking, running, and hiking. They also love eating and cuddling with their owners.
How long can Beagles hold their pee?
Adult beagles can hold their pee up to 8 hours at most, while puppies and senior dogs need to relieve their bladders every 4-6 hours at most.
What dog breed is scared of water?
Some dog breeds aren’t meant to swim due to their short noses and short legs. Among these include pugs, bulldogs, and boxers. Their top heavy body type means it’s hard for them to paddle and stay afloat.
What are Beagles scared of?
Beagles are often scared of loud noises like fireworks. As well, they get separation anxiety and can be fearful of being left alone for too long.
Can Beagles sense sadness?
Yes, beagles and many dogs can sense human emotions, and that includes sadness and depression.
Recap: Can beagles swim?
- Yes, beagle can swim!
- However, beagles may not inherently love swimming.
- You can train your beagle to enjoy swimming by starting them young and letting them know it’s safe. Pretty soon they’ll love it!
- Keep them safe by cleaning their ears and possibly investing in a life jacket.
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