If you’re wondering “can bearded dragons eat rose petals?” the answer is yes, although we don’t recommend you feed your beardie rose petals regularly. There is very little nutritional value to them.
In this article, we’ll explore the nutritional value of rose petals for bearded dragons and how to keep them healthy. As well, see our full guide to what flowers bearded dragons can eat here.
Can bearded dragons eat rose petals?
Advantages of rose petals for bearded dragons:

While eating rose petals won’t harm beardies, there are very few advantages. That being said, their colorful petals might prove appealing to a beardie who is hesitant to eat. As well, roses might conveniently be in your backyard, so they could be easily added to the vegetables you feed your bearded dragons.
Possible risks associated with feeding beardies rose petals:
- As stated before, rose petals have very little nutritional value for bearded dragons. Make sure they’re eating a full meal of insects and plants before gobbling up on rose petals. We don’t want your bearded dragon to get full on rose petals.
- There could be pesticides on the rose petals, which are very toxic to bearded dragons. This is unlikely since most people don’t try to spray their roses with pesticides and kill them, but it’s something to keep in mind.
- Rose petals wilt and die quickly. They won’t stay fresh long if you intend to keep a batch and feed them slowly to your beardie.
How often should I feed my bearded dragon roses?
Honestly, probably no more than once a week, one petal at a time. I wouldn’t feed a bearded dragon more than one or two rose petals, as you don’t want them to get full on something that has no nutritional value to them. If they really love the taste, you can make it a weekly treat, but chances are they much prefer their usual insect fare.
Foods bearded dragons can eat:
If you’re wondering what you should feed a bearded dragon, read our guidelines below. Bearded dragons are insectivores, which just means they thrive on insects as well as plant materials.
If you have a juvenile bearded dragon (between six and eighteen months old), give them about 80% vegetables and 20% live insects.
As your bearded dragon transitions into adulthood, give them the inverse, so 20% plant materials and 80% insects.
Vegetables to feed your bearded dragon:
- Peas
- Dandelion
- Green beans
- Cabbage
- Zucchini
- Pumpkin
- See our full list of vegetables to feed your bearded dragon
Note: Bearded dragons can also eat fruit in moderation. See here for a complete list of fruits bearded dragons can eat.
Insects to feed your bearded dragon:
- Crickets
- Kingworms
- Waxworms
- See our full guides to insects you can feed your bearded dragon and worms to feed your bearded dragon
Quick note: Live insects raised by you or bought from the pet store are best because they’re definitely pesticide free.
How often should you feed a bearded dragon?
During the first 3-6 months of your beardie’s life, try to feed them four to five times a day by giving them as many insects as they’d like in 10 minutes. They’re growing and need lots of protein during this stage.
Reduce the number of feedings to about two to three times a day when they’re growing into their juvenile years (between six and eighteen months).
As they become an adult, you can feed them once daily.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Are rose petals poisonous to eat?
Actually, all parts of the rose, including the leaves and petals are safe for humans to consume.
Can bearded dragons eat dried flowers?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat dried flowers, although it’s recommended they stick to a diet of insects and fresh vegetables, with fruit thrown in occasionally.
What plants can bearded dragons not eat?
It’s important that bearded dragons not eat avocados, as they can be toxic to them and poison them. They also can’t eat citrus or any venomous bugs or bugs that glow.
How do I rehydrate my bearded dragon?
Use these methods to quickly hydrate your bearded dragon:
- Give them a bath
- Drop a few insects into their water bowl – they will gulp up water as they go for the insects
- Spray their tank walls and floor with water – they will likely lick at it
- Use a syringe to drop water directly into their mouths
What foods do bearded dragons love most?
Bearded dragon’s favorite food would have to be live bugs, which is typically crickets or roaches.
What fruit is toxic to bearded dragons?
High acid fruit like citrus should never be fed to your bearded dragons. As well, avoid feeding them avocados!

Recap: Can bearded dragons eat rose petals?
- Yes, it’s safe for bearded dragons to eat rose petals.
- However, it isn’t recommended to feed them more than one to two petals per week, as there is virtually no nutritional value of rose petals to a bearded dragon.
- Sprinkle some rose petals into their plant and insect mix if you’re running low on food and just happen to have roses.
- Make sure the rose petals are clean and free of pesticides.
For our full list of food to feed a bearded dragon, see our guide here.
Related articles:
- Can bearded dragons eat rose petals?
- Advantages of rose petals for bearded dragons:
- Possible risks associated with feeding beardies rose petals:
- How often should I feed my bearded dragon roses?
- Foods bearded dragons can eat:
- Vegetables to feed your bearded dragon:
- Insects to feed your bearded dragon:
- How often should you feed a bearded dragon?
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
- Recap: Can bearded dragons eat rose petals?