Can Cats Eat Chia Grass?
Yes! Cats can eat chia grass. It’s not only safe for them to eat chia grass, it’s actually nutritious for them. It’s commonly fed to cats who are having digestive issues like an upset tummy, but it can be fed to them regularly as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
Read on to learn more about chia grass nutrition, how often to feed your cat chia grass, what other types of plants to avoid, and more!
What is Chia Grass?
First of all, what even is chia grass? It’s a species of plant (scientific name is Salvia Hispanica) in the mint family and found most commonly in food in South America, Southwestern United States, and western Mexico.
Health Benefits of Chia Grass:
Chia grass may promote heart health, support strong bones, and improve blood sugar management.
Proven health benefits include:
- Highly nutritious. They contain:
- Fiber
- Calcium
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Vitamin B1 and B3
- Zinz
- May lower the risk of heart disease
- May contain nutrients needed for bone health
- Loaded with antioxidants
These tiny plants pack quite a punch in terms of nutrients, given how small they are.
How much Chia Grass can my cat eat?
Cats actually eat grass sometimes if they have a hairball or other foreign objects bothering their stomachs, and they want to induce vomiting. Their bodies have adapted and learned how to get rid of the thing that’s bothering them by eating grass. So there is a chance that if your cat is gobbling up large quantities of chia grass, they want to induce vomiting. Pay attention to their behavior: if they suddenly are more interested in chia grass than previously, this could be a symptom of an upset stomach.
However, in all likelihood, they are simply grazing and snacking on chia grass, which is totally safe. They can basically grave to their heart’s content.
Why does my cat eat chia grass?
Like humans, cats have tastes and preferences! If your cat loves eating chia grass, there’s nothing to worry about. Your pet just enjoys the taste or texture. It could also be a way to ease a sore throat, if they have one.
If your cat enjoys chia grass, this could mean they’re partial to plants, in which case: keep an eye on the other plants in your space. It could be that one of those plants is toxic for your cat.
A list of common houseplants that your cat is likely allergic to:
- Azaleas

- Rhododendrons

- Dieffenbachias

- Kalanchoes

- Lilies

- Pothos

- Tulips

Recap: Can Cats Eat Chia Grass?
- Chia grass is not only safe for cats to eat, it’s healthy and great for them.
- Watch while they eat – if they’re consuming large quantities out of nowhere, it could be that your cat is attempting to induce vomiting.
- Watch out for how they eat other plants in your home if they do enjoy eating chia grass – they could accidentally eat something toxic.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Are chia seeds safe for cats? Can cats eat chia seeds?
Chia seeds are part of the chia grass – so chia seeds are safe for your cat to eat. They are also full of nutrients.
Can cats eat chia sprouts?
Again, yes! Cats can eat chia sprouts and they are healthy for them.
I commend you for researching so thoroughly what your cat can and can not eat. If you have any questions, feel free to email me!
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