Do beagles howl?

Do beagles howl?

Do beagles howl?

Beagles have a reputation for being noisy dogs, but do beagles howl more than normal? While beagles do howl more than the average dog, this is something that can be trained away. 

The question of beagles’ barking is one that often leads people to wonder – “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?” However, we think beagles have been unfairly maligned, and it’s quite easy to control their howling with the proper training and routines. 

In this article, we’ll explore: 

By the end of this guide, you’ll know everything you need to know about a beagle’s howl and how to minimize it. 

How much do beagles howl? 

Beagles are known to be great watch dogs and they were bred to be hunting dogs. Because of this, they emit a type of noise called baying, and it’s meant to let owners and other dogs know a scent has been found. While a domesticated non-hunting beagle should not emit baying noises, this sound has a close cousin, the howl. 

Beagles have a genetic memory to hunt and then bray or howl for attention once they locate their target. They don’t attack the thing they’re hunting, but rather just howl for attention. 

These types of howls will reduce with the proper training. 

Types of beagle noises 

  1. The standard bark 

This is the most common sound you’ll hear – when there’s someone new at the door or you’ve just given your beagle a gift. Check out our guide on beagle barking here. 

  1. Howl 

Beagles do howl, although not as much as many people think. This indicates the beagle is lonely or emotional, or is possibly in heat. 

  1. Baying

Lastly is baying, which sounds like a mix between barking and howling. It’s sort of excited and forlorn at the same time, and usually is used to alert other dogs that a scent has been found. 

  1. Yelp 

This is a short small bark, and it may indicate your beagle is injured or in pain. 

How to reduce beagle howling

  1. Exercise 

Keep your beagle well exercised – this is not only good for their physical health, but it also wears them out so they don’t have excessive energy that they can then funnel into howling. 

  1. Mental fitness

Make sure your dog is getting mental stimulation as well, so they aren’t just howling out of sheer boredom. It’s also good for their mental health and sharpness. Get them some puzzles to play with while you’re gone. 

  1. Training 

Use a system of rewards to teach your beagle to stop howling. If they are howling excessively, put them in a crate or in a dog bed in a separate room, and when they quiet down, give them a treat. This teaches them to stop howling.  

  1. Don’t shout

First of all, this doesn’t work. Your beagle isn’t aware that you’re shouting at them, they probably think you’re having a chat with them instead. If anything, this will prompt them to keep howling and barking at a louder volume. 

  1. Bark collars

Bark collars are highly effective. They deliver static electricity that shocks your dog into stopping howling. Many owners are wary of hurting their dogs, but bark collars are usually a temporary measure and have an almost 100% rate of success. However, they should be used as a last resort as we ultimately don’t want to motivate our pets through fear. Check out our guide to beagle collars here, which includes humane anti bark and anti howl devices that use vibrations and sound rather than shocks. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): 

What does it mean when Beagles howl?

Beagles commonly howl to warn of a threat or simply for attention. 

What is the difference between a Beagle howl and a bay? 

A beagle bay sounds more like a yodel while a howl is more of a single sound. Beagle bay when they’re “on the hunt” for something, and howl more commonly for emotional reasons. 

Why does my Beagle howl when I leave him alone?

It’s probable that your beagle howls when left alone because they have separation anxiety. They need more stimulation, exercise, and check-ins during the day to reduce this anxiety. 

At what age do beagles calm down?

Beagles tend to calm down around the 2 year mark. This depends on the particular beagle’s training, environment, and temperament. To learn more about calming your beagle down, see our guide here.  

What two breeds make a Beagle?

Modern beagles are actually made of a mix of “scent hound” breeds including the Talbot Hound, The Northern and Southern Hounds, and the Harrier. 

Is my dog happy when he howls?

A dog howl could communicate a whole range of emotions, from excitement to boredom to hunger to pain. Look at context clues to figure out why they’re barking. 

Is howling crying for dogs?

Sometimes. It can be the way they cry, or they could be simply hungry or excited. 

Do dogs bond by howling?

Potentially! If you speak and your dog responds by howling, they could think you’re communicating that way and thus, bonding over their howling. 

Why do beagles howl at night?

Beagles will howl at night for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they picked up a scent outside that activated their hunter instincts, or they’re simply hungry or need to be let outside to pee. 

Why do beagles howl instead of bark?

Beagles often bark as their first line of communication, then move into howling if their sounds aren’t met with any response. Howling is often more emotional than barking, which is more reactive. So if the mailman comes or something hot touches your beagle, he’ll often bark in reaction. But if your beagle is hungry or wants to communicate that he needs to pee or spend time with you, he may howl more. 


  • Beagles do howl a lot, although with proper exercise, training, and rewards, beagles can be trained to stop howling excessively. 

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