Do beagles like to cuddle?
If you’re contemplating getting a beagle, you may be wondering: do beagles like to cuddle? Happily, the answer is a resounding yes, beagles like to cuddle. In fact, they love it!
In this article, we’ll go over why beagles like to cuddle, how to coax them into being more cuddly if they aren’t, whether they should sleep in bed with you, and more!
- Do beagles like to cuddle?
- Why do beagles enjoy cuddling?
- Should you let your beagle sleep in bed with you?
- Benefits of cuddling for beagles and humans
- How to get hesitant beagles to be more cuddly
- Cuddling with beagles: Owner testimonials
- Best practices for owning a beagle
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Do beagles like to cuddle?
- How do Beagles show affection?
- Are Beagles clingy dogs?
- How can you tell if a Beagle is happy?
- Why do beagles stare at you?
- Do beagles have a favorite person?
- How can you tell if a Beagle is unhappy?
- Can Beagles sense sadness?
- How many years do Beagles live?
- Do beagles like to swim?
- Do beagles like cats?
By the end of this guide, you’ll know everything you need to about beagle cuddlyness.
Why do beagles enjoy cuddling?
Beagles are pack animals, so it’s vital to their well-being that their packs are looked after. In the modern world, a beagles pack means you and your family. Beagles feel close to you and show this by cuddling, snuggling, and just generally wanting to be near you.
In the wild, beagles have to huddle together in colder climates to keep warm and survive. So it’s also a survival mechanism for them to want to cuddle.
Should you let your beagle sleep in bed with you?
You can if you’d like! Some dog owners swear by crate sleeping, but research has shown that sleeping with your pet can be beneficial to both pet and owner.
There’s a widespread belief that sleeping in bed with your dog is bad for them and fosters dependency. However, this belief is not backed by science. If you want to find a middle ground, you could have your beagle sleep in a separate room and let them come into bed with you first thing in the morning for some snuggles. You could also keep their dog bed in your bedroom so they’re sleeping with you, just not in the same bed.
Benefits of cuddling for beagles and humans
Cuddling and touch in general are vital for human and beagle mental health. Science has shown that humans and dogs that weren’t exposed to any touch in their early years suffered huge developmental and emotional delays. So cuddling is beneficial for your beagle’s mental health.
As well, cuddling fosters a stronger bond between you and your beagle. A positive bond helps with training your beagle properly and keeping them happy.

How to get hesitant beagles to be more cuddly
If your beagle doesn’t seem to like cuddling, it could be that they’re anxious about something. Many beagles get separation anxiety if left alone for too long, too frequently. Read our full write up on leaving beagles alone at home here. If you can, get a pet sitter to check in on them if you have to leave them alone regularly for longer than 5-6 hours at a time.
Another thing you can do to encourage cuddly behavior is to reward them with treats when they’re cuddly. While this may sound like bribery, it’ll just show them that it’s safe to cuddle, which they probably instinctively want to do!
Sometimes beagles get confused when you’re training them. They don’t yet understand which behaviors will get them a treat and which behaviors will result in them getting scolded. If you want to encourage them to cuddle with you more, reward them in the beginning!
Cuddling with beagles: Owner testimonials
The internet is littered with firsthand accounts of owners raving about their beagles affinity for cuddling. Just one Reddit thread has the following testimonials:
“My Darwin hates to be alone; he’ll follow me from room to room. He also loves to cuddle, especially when I’m sleeping.” – Towishimp
“My Poppy is the perfect snuggler. She loves it under the covers and has to lay right alongside me just in case I’m tempted to give her a little belly scratch as she drops off to sleep. If I’m late for bed she even sits in front of me and whines until I get up and follow her into the bedroom. To be honest – I love it!!” – Icepop131
“When my lady sleeps, she has to be right up against me. She’s definitely a cuddle creep!”
“Mine LOVES snuggling. He must be in physical contact with a person at any given point. We’ve all had to get really good at typing, eating, and doing anything one handed because the other one is always reserved for petting him.” – loveallison
Best practices for owning a beagle
Keeping your beagle healthy is essential in getting them to be cuddly. Follow these principles to keep them healthy and happy:
- Exercise
Keep your beagle well exercised – this is vital for their energy levels, fitness, and mental health. Adult beagles should get at least two walks a day.
- Mental fitness
Make sure your dog is getting mental stimulation as well. It’s also good for their mental health and sharpness, and overall emotional health. Get them some puzzles to play with while you’re gone. This helps reduce laziness and boredom. Also make sure to practice commands with them and that they are socializing with new dogs and humans every few days.
- Diet
Feed your beagle high quality dog kibble to keep their energy up. High quality food provides a great return on your investment, as you can’t put a price on your beagle’s good health. While the cheaper dog food might be tempting, you’ll pay for it down the line in expensive health problems that come up as a consequence of their poor diet.
- Training
Use a system of rewards to teach your beagle to behave well. If they are growling or misbehaving, put them in a crate or in a dog bed in a separate room, and when they do a trick properly, give them a treat. This teaches them what behaviors are good and what behaviors are bad.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Do beagles like to cuddle?
How do Beagles show affection?
Beagles will cuddle with you, jump on you, wag their tail, and bark excitedly to show affection. Sometimes they’re so overwhelmed their bodies just freak out so don’t scold them too much for barking, they’re simply showing their love for you.
Are Beagles clingy dogs?
Beagles are loyal and can become very clingy dogs if they develop separation anxiety from being left alone too long. Make sure they get stimulation through puzzle toys and interacting with other humans and dogs regularly.
How can you tell if a Beagle is happy?
A beagle is happy if they’re wagging their tail, jumping excitedly, yelping, and wanting to play with you.
Why do beagles stare at you?
Beagles are simply observing your behavior and trying to learn what you’re doing. They may be perplexed by what you’re doing but once they understand, they’ll stop staring.
Do beagles have a favorite person?
Yes, beagles tend to bond with one person in the household especially well. Sometimes this is the person who brought them home or the person who spends the most time with them.
How can you tell if a Beagle is unhappy?
If a beagle is unhappy, they’ll whine or whimper, refuse treats, have low energy, or mope around the home.
Can Beagles sense sadness?
Yes, beagles and most dogs are highly adept at picking up on emotions and can pick up when you’re sad. That’s why they come to comfort you and get excited when you’re excited.
How many years do Beagles live?
On average, beagles live for 12-15 years, which is on par with most dogs their size.
Do beagles like to swim?
Beagles can swim and while many beagles grow to like swimming, they aren’t one of the dog breeds known to love swimming. To learn more, check out our in depth article on getting your beagle to love swimming here.
Do beagles like cats?
Many beagles get along well with cats! You should introduce the two properly to ensure they have a friendly relationship. Read more here.
- Beagles love to cuddle!
- If your beagle seems scared of cuddling, address the source of their anxiety and reward them for cuddling.
Many people considering getting a beagle ask “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?.” There are a lot of misconceptions and myths around beagle behavior, but I’m happy to report that their love of cuddling is no lie. You will have a snuggling companion for life!
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