Do beagles smell?
If you’re thinking about getting a beagle or you recently spent time with one, you may be wondering – do beagles smell? And the honest answer is yes – beagles do have a distinct smell. However, it’s no more smelly than the average dog breed and it’s easy to maintain your beagle smelling fresh and clean.
In this article we’ll go over:
- Do beagles smell?
- Why does my beagle stink?
- Best Practices to keeping your beagle smelling good
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Do beagles smell?
- Why do beagles smell like corn chips?
- Do beagles sniff more than other dogs?
- Are beagles good house dogs?
- Are beagles known for bad breath?
- Do beagles shed?
- Why does my Beagle smell fishy?
Why does my beagle stink?
If your beagle smells bad in any way, one of the below reasons is likely the culprit:
1. Their hygiene isn’t being maintained
Your beagle loves running around and will take any opportunity to play in the dirt outside. Even if they look clean, debris and dirt will be in their coat. It’s vital that you brush their fur at least 2-3 times a week.
In addition, give them regular baths once or twice a month with dog shampoo and conditioner. However, don’t bathe them too often, as this will strip their fur of its natural oils and might give them a skin reaction.
Dry them thoroughly with towels and a hair dryer to avoid that distinct “wet dog” smell.
2. Ear infections
Beagles are beloved for their big floppy ears. However, these large ears create a moist environment that is ripe for ear infections. Make sure to clean your beagles ears with a clean tissue or q-tips weekly to avoid an ear infection that will smell bad and hurt your pet.
3. Bad breath
Just like humans, beagles develop bad breath without proper dental care. Make sure to brush your beagle’s teeth twice a day to avoid plaque build up and the accompanying bad odor.
4. Gas and indigestion
All dogs burp and fart, but it’s possible your beagle ate something that isn’t sitting right in their stomach. In this case, they’ll have excessive gas that will smell. To avoid this, don’t give them random scraps of food and keep them on a healthy diet of high quality kibble.
If you want to feed them scraps or a new snack, be sure to introduce it into their diet slowly to avoid an upset stomach.
5. Skin conditions
Your beagle may have a skin infection from allergies, bacteria, parasites, or an infection, that results in a bad smell. This will likely be accompanied by a skin rash or itching. Consult your vet if this happens, and they’ll give you antibiotics or a cream that will clear it up immediately.
6. Anal glands
All dogs have anal glands found on either side of their anus. Sometimes they fill up excessively and don’t secrete properly, which results in a fishy smell.
This anal gland smell is important for dogs in identifying each other. That’s why dogs sniff other dog’s butts when they meet. It’s their version of a handshake, and they can tell a lot about the other dog’s health, age, and gender by this handshake.
If your dog has a fishy smell and is licking their butt more than normal, take them to a vet, they will express the anal gland. If left untreated, it could become infected.
Best Practices to keeping your beagle smelling good
Now that we know why your beagle may be smelling off, let’s go into how to keep them smelling great year round.
- Clean them with shampoo and conditioner 1-2 times a month and brush their fur 2-3 times a week.
- Keep them on a healthy diet and don’t feed them scraps.
- Monitor them for anal gland issues – fish oil pills might help if this is a recurring problem for your pet.
- Clean their ears weekly.
- Brush their teeth twice daily.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Do beagles smell?
Why do beagles smell like corn chips?
There’s a specific bacteria called Pseudomonas and Proteus that gives your beagle a yeasty smell that many people say smells like corn chips. Wash those paws to avoid this corn chip scent!
Do beagles sniff more than other dogs?
Beagles are in the highest echelon of sniffing amongst dogs. They have around 225 million sensors in their nose, while the normal range for most dogs is between 125 and 300 million sensors.
Are beagles good house dogs?
Yes! They’re affable and easy going, if trained properly and given sleeping, feeding, and exercising routines that you adhere to. If you’re interested in owning a beagle in an apartment, see our guide here.
Are beagles known for bad breath?
Older beagles are known to have bad breath. As their liver function decreases, bad breath is a common side effect in elderly beagles.
Do beagles shed?
Beagles are double layer dogs and do shed throughout the year. For more on beagle shedding and how to manage it, see our article here.
Why does my Beagle smell fishy?
If your beagle smells like fish, it’s likely they are having anal gland issues. They will need to go to a vet, who will express their gland and relieve them of the discomfort. The smell should go away soon afterwards.
- Beagles do smell, but no more than the average dog.
- There are several reasons why your beagle may smell – identifying the cause will help solve the issue of the odor.
- Keeping your dog clean and healthy will solve 90% of their odor issues.
The question of beagles’ smell is one that often leads people to wonder – “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?” However, we think beagles have been unfairly maligned, and they don’t actually smell more than the average dog.
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to email me!
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