Do Pigs Eat Grass?
Pigs notoriously eat almost anything, so it’s no surprise that yes, pigs eat grass. Because they’re omnivores, pigs eat both animal and plant matter.
Read on to learn about grass nutritional value, exactly how and when to feed pigs grass, and safe feeding tips.
Grass Nutritional Information:
Grass is a plant, so why don’t humans and many other animals eat it regularly? Doctors recommend we eat lots of plants and vegetables, so why exactly isn’t it a part of most of our diets?

In actuality, grass (especially wild grass) does have nutrients – it has vitamins A, C, and some B vitamins, as well as several minerals. However, it also contains something called lignin, and a lot of it. Humans can process lignin in small qualities, but grass contains so much that it usually passes through without giving any nutrients. Meanwhile, other animals like cows, with their famed multiple stomachs, are able to eat grass and thrive on it.
Is Grass Good for Pigs?
Although many animals can thrive on diets consisting largely of grass (see a full list of animals that eat grass here), for many animals including hamsters and humans, grass isn’t a viable source of sustenance.
So why can pigs digest grass? This is just the genetics of the pig’s unique and elaborate digestive system. They’re able to eat large quantities of grass and extract nutrients from it, while some other animals can not.
However, their diet should not consist solely of grass. While some animals can live entirely on grass, pigs need many other nutrients and sources of food to thrive. There’s one exception: the Kunekune pig, which can survive solely on grass.
What is a pig’s diet?
Your pig should get a balanced mix feed, which will contain an assortment of animal matter. You can also get a feed mix with synthetic lysine (here is Amazon’s top-rated pig feed). On top of that, you should give your pig fresh fruits and vegetables, and a healthy assortment of grains.
How often should you give your pig grass?
Pigs need a lot of calories per day to keep growing and thriving. You can give them quite a lot of grass and it will be fine, just be sure to give them their normal feed and fruits and vegetables as their main course. Grass could be viewed more as a snack.
Are there potential risks associated with feeding pigs grass?
Yes. If the grass or plants outside have been treated with chemical pesticides, or are contaminated with other animal’s feces, your pig could get poisoned. Some signs to watch out for:
- Seizures
- Lack of appetite
- Listless and lack of energy
If any of these symptoms occur after they’ve consumed wild grass, take your pig to the vet immediately. They could have eaten a toxic amount of insecticides or something similarly harmful to their bodies.
Do Pigs Eat Grass Clippings?
Yes! So long as the clippings are fresh. If the grass clippings in question have been out for longer than two days, they will start to decompose and ferment, a process that will continue in your pig’s stomach and could cause stomach upset and digestive issues.
Recap: Do Pigs Eat Grass?
- Yes, pigs can eat grass!
- Make sure to avoid grass that’s been touched by insecticides
- Avoid giving them grass clippings that have been out for over two days as this may cause an upset stomach
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Do Pigs Eat Hay?
Yes, pigs eat hay, and often enjoy it! While fresh grass is the ideal, it’s often hard to feed your pig fresh grains and fresh grain year round. Hay is a great alternative that is good for pigs.
What Do Hogs Eat?
A hog is another name for a pig, so a hog eats anything a pig does. A healthy diet should include mix feed, fruits, vegetables, and grains.
Can Pigs Eat Dates?
Yes – pigs eat dates. Dates are a great source of fiber which is great for a pig’s digestion, however if they eat too much it could cause stomach upset. All in moderation.
Will Pigs Eat Anything?
Yes – pigs eat anything, that includes virtually any disgusting thing you can think of (rotting animals, garbage, waste). That doesn’t mean they should though – just because they’ve consumed something doesn’t mean it’s good for them. If you give your pig something rotten or something that is impossible to digest (like plastic), it won’t give them any nutrients, might poison them, and will hurt their stomachs and organs.
Do Pigs Eat Weeds?
Yes, pigs eat weeds. Pigs eat basically everything and they do not distinguish between plants, weeds, or flowers. Just because us humans don’t like weeds doesn’t mean pigs don’t! They will happily munch away on any type of weed.
If you have any further questions, feel free to email me!
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