Do Rabbits Eat Grass?
If you recently fed your rabbit grass or caught them nibbling away on grass, don’t panic. Rabbits can eat grass, and it’s actually a major food source for rabbits in the wild.
Read on to learn about grass nutritional value, exactly how and when to feed your pet bunny grass, and safe feeding tips.
Grass Nutritional Information:
Grass is a plant, so why don’t humans and many other animals eat it regularly? Doctors recommend we eat lots of plants and vegetables, so why exactly isn’t it a part of most of our diets?

In actuality, grass (especially wild grass) does have nutrients – it has vitamins A, C, and some B vitamins, as well as several minerals. However, it also contains something called lignin, and a lot of it. Humans can process lignin in small qualities, but grass contains so much that it usually passes through without giving any nutrients. Meanwhile, other animals like cows, with their famed multiple stomachs, are able to eat grass and thrive on it.
Is Grass Good for Rabbits?
Many animals can thrive on diets consisting largely of grass (see a full list of animals that eat grass here). However, for many other animals, including hamsters and humans, grass isn’t a viable source of sustenance.
So why can rabbits eat and digest grass? This is just the genetics of the rabbit’s unique and elaborate digestive system. They’re able to eat large quantities of grass and extract nutrients from it, while some other animals can not.
Additionally, it’s good for rabbit’s teeth to graze on grass – the texture helps prevent overgrowing of their teeth due to the microscopic spikes on grass.
How often should you give your rabbit grass?
You can feed your pet rabbit grass everyday. For many pet owners, growing fresh grass isn’t a viable method of feeding their pet, so they feed them wild grass from outside. If you do this, be sure to:
- Introduce it slowly, especially if they’re used to dry grass or hay
- Wash it thoroughly
- Do not feed it to them if it’s been exposed to insecticides, pesticides, or has mold
- Similarly, do not feed it to them if there are dogs or cats who have feed on the grass
- Monitor them closely after they’ve had grass for the first few times
Are there potential risks associated with feeding rabbits grass?
Yes. If the grass or plants outside have been treated with chemical pesticides, or are contaminated with other animal’s feces, your rabbit could get poisoned. Some signs to watch out for:
- Fever (above 100.5 to 103 degrees Fahrenheit)
- Seizures
- Lack of appetite
- Listless and lack of energy
If any of these symptoms occur after they’ve consumed wild grass, take your rabbit to the vet immediately. They could have eaten a toxic amount of insecticides or something similarly harmful to their little bodies.
Even if they have a mild reaction, cease giving them fresh grass at once and give them a diet of healthy dry grass. This is Amazon’s top-rated rabbit food mix and will have all the nutrients your little pet needs.
What Other Types of Grass Can Rabbits Eat?
If you’re looking to make a little salad for your rabbit or perhaps wanting to grow some plants in your garden that they can eat, here is a list of common plants that rabbits enjoy:
- Meadow grass (very nutritious for rabbits)
- Wheatgrass (very nutritious for rabbits)
- Basil
- Mint
- Oat grass
- Bluegreens
- Dandelions
Recap: Do Rabbits Eat Grass?
- Yes, rabbits can eat grass!
- Make sure to wash your grass thoroughly!
- Do not give them grass if it’s been near herbicides or has mold.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Do Baby Rabbits Eat Grass?
Yes! Baby rabbits can and do eat grass. It’s nutritious for them. Just make sure it’s cleaned properly and to monitor them closely if it’s their first time having it.
Can Rabbits Eat Foxtail Grass?
Foxtail grass are commonly infestations and often treated with herbicide by owners who spot it. It’s best that your rabbit does not eat foxtail grass or foxtail plants, as it’s likely to have some form of chemical covering it.
Do Rabbits Eat Grass Seed?
Yes! Rabbits often eat grass seed and gobble grass and grass seed up on sight. However, it shouldn’t be a staple in their diet so keep a watch on how much they’re consuming.
Can Rabbits Eat Grass Clippings?
It’s best for rabbits not to eat grass clippings or grass from a lawn mower. It isn’t the healthiest for them and it’s impossible to tell if any contaminants (chemicals, feces, etc.) have gotten into the clippings without cleaning them properly. While they technically can eat grass clippings, it’s best to avoid feeding it to them.
How to Stop A Rabbit From Eating the Lawn?
If your rabbit is eating the lawn, there are a few methods you can try to discourage them. The most common method that usually works is to build a fence around your lawn. If that isn’t an option, you can make it un appetizing for your little bunny to continue munching on grass. Sprinkle red pepper, sulfur, or even human hair around your lawn. All of these things repulse rabbits.
Do Rabbits Eat Fountain Grass?
Fountain grass is ornamental and beautiful, and your rabbit may begin nibbling on it, much to your dismay. Try the above methods to get your rabbit to stop eating your fountain grass. However, it isn’t a rabbit’s first choice of food or even of grass, so it likely won’t be a huge problem for you.
Do Rabbits Eat Bermuda Grass?
Contrary to its name, Bermuda Grass is actually found worldwide, not just in Bermuda, and it looks strikingly similar to garden grass. It’s likely your rabbit will eat bermuda grass. However, because this type of grass often gets out of control and is very difficult to contain, many home owners try to get rid of it. For this reason, it’s best to avoid having your rabbit eat bermuda grass as it could be covered in herbicide.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me!
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