Search Results for: pets

Are beagles smart dogs?

Are beagles smart dogs?

Are beagles smart dogs? Yes! Beagles are smart dogs, just not in the way you might think. Did you know that there’s actually a dog IQ test? While beagles rank past around the 130th place for this dog intelligence test, in reality, this test only tests for obedience.  Beagles are actually incredibly intelligent physically and […]

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Are beagles hypoallergenic?

Are beagles hypoallergenic?

Are beagles hypoallergenic? The quick answer to this question is no, beagles are not hypoallergenic. This does not necessarily mean you will be allergic to them if you have allergies. However, if you are someone who is allergic to all dogs, you will likely be allergic to beagles.  Due to beagle fur and shedding seasons,

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Are beagles good guard dogs

Are beagles good guard dogs?

Are beagles good guard dogs? In general, no beagles are not good guard dogs. Their personality and build don’t make for good guard dogs. However, they are fiercely loyal and protective, which makes them excellent watchdogs.  Beagles were bred to be hunters, so they’re great at finding something once they catch the scent. However, they

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Can beagles swim?

Can beagles swim?

Can beagles swim? Despite the misconception that beagles are lazy, they are actually highly energetic and yes, beagles can swim. However, despite their high energy, they actually are not a dog breed known to love swimming.  However, there are things you can do to help your beagle swim better and to love swimming! It’s an

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Are beagle lazy?

Are beagles lazy?

Are beagles lazy? There’s a widespread belief that beagles are inherently lazy dogs, leading many to ask – Are beagles lazy? The topic of beagles’ laziness is one that often leads people to wonder – “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?” However, we think beagles have been unfairly maligned, and in reality – no, beagles

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Are beagles stubborn?

Are beagles stubborn?

Are beagles stubborn? Yes, beagles can be very stubborn and headstrong. In fact, the topic of beagles’ stubbornness is one that often leads people to wonder – “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?” However, I think this is unfair as there are several reasons why beagles are so stubborn and ways you can work around

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Are beagles aggressive?

Are beagles aggressive?

Are beagles aggressive? In general, no, beagles are not aggressive. However, the fact that so many people often have to ask “Are beagles aggressive?” often leads many to wonder “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?” However, we think beagles have been unfairly maligned, and in reality, they aren’t an aggressive dog breed unless provoked.  In

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Do beagles howl?

Do beagles howl?

Do beagles howl? Beagles have a reputation for being noisy dogs, but do beagles howl more than normal? While beagles do howl more than the average dog, this is something that can be trained away.  The question of beagles’ barking is one that often leads people to wonder – “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?”

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Do beagles bark?

Do beagles bark a lot?

Do beagles bark a lot? Beagles have a reputation for being yappy dogs, but do beagles really bark a lot? In actuality – no, beagles aren’t noisier than the average dog breed. So how did this reputation come about?  The question of beagles’ barking is one that often leads people to wonder – “Why Beagles

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