Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs, or Are They?
If you mention getting a beagle to the average person, a common reaction you’ll get is passionate warnings about why beagles are the worst dogs. You’ll also get rave reviews from people who love their beagles. It can be hard to discern amongst the wildly differing opinions on beagles, so in this article we will deep dive into:
Let’s begin!
Why some people think beagles are the worst dogs
1. Hunger
Beagles often seem like they’re starving, even after you’ve fed them a full diet. This can be frustrating for many beagle owners who feel confused about their pet’s appetite. However, there are simple fixes to this problem. To learn more, check out our in depth article on ‘Why are Beagles Always Hungry?’
2. Excessive sleep
Are beagles always sleeping or do they sleep more than the average dog? In actuality, no! Beagles sleep on average 10-12 hours a day, and puppies much more than that. This is on par with the average dog their size. Read our full article on beagles and sleep here.
3. Ability to be alone
Some people think beagles can’t be left alone because they may get separation anxiety (which is true) and howl ferociously. However, you can train this behavior away and beagles can actually be left alone for around 6 hours, and in one-off situations, up to 10 or 12 hours. Read more about leaving your beagle alone here.
4. Smell
Do beagles smell? Honestly, no more than the average dog. Beagles have an unearned reputation as being very smelly, but their smell mostly comes down to their hygiene. For more on keeping your beagle smelling good, read our article.
5. Shedding
Many people believe beagles shed excessively. This might be because they’re a double coat dog. However, beagles actually don’t shed more than the average dog! For more on beagle shedding, see here.
6. Barking
Are beagles big barkers? No more than the average dog! Again, it seems like a small minority of very small but loud beagles have given the entire group a bad reputation. More on beagle barking here.
7. Howling
Similarly, beagles won’t howl unless given a reason. The top culprit is separation anxiety. Beagles will often howl a lot when left alone for too long. If possible, get them a pet sitter to check in on them if you leave them alone for longer than 6 hours. More tips and tricks on managing beagle howling here.

8. Aggression
Beagles seem aggressive when they’re on the hunt because they were bred to be hunting dogs so they are very intent when they catch the scent. However, they will not hurt their prey. Guaranteed. Beagles actually aren’t aggressive dogs, they’re quite friendly and mellow on average. More on beagle aggression here.
9. Eating poop
Yes, beagles sometimes eat poop. However, almost all dog breeds do. It’s normal for dogs and while this behavior can seem disgusting to humans, it makes sense to dogs. To stop your beagle from eating poop, check out our guide here.
10. Stubbornness
Some people think beagles are very stubborn. This might actually be true, especially when they’re on the hunt. However, you can definitely train a beagle to be more obedient, read on beagles and stubbornness here.
11. Laziness
Beagles actually are not lazy, contrary to a popular misconception! They need lots of exercise (2 walks a day), playtime, mental stimulation, and socializing to be healthy and happy. Read more on beagle laziness here.
12. Hypoallergenic
This one is more tricky. Beagles are not hypoallergenic dogs, but this doesn’t mean that if you’re allergic to many dogs, you will automatically be allergic to them. Some people have a stronger sensitivity to certain dog breeds, and dogs with short hair tend to cause less allergies. Check out our article on beagles’ hypoallergenic qualities here.
13. Hard to train
This is a reputation of the beagle’s that is probably actually true. Beagles do tend to be harder to train than the average dog. Those hunter instincts are harder to override – but be patient and keep on with training. It will all be worth it. To learn more about training your beagle, see our guide here.
14. Hyperactive
Are beagles more energetic than most dogs? They might be, although they tend to calm down near the 2 year mark, which is common for most dogs of their size. See our guide on helping calm a hyperactive beagle.
Pros to owning a beagle
Many of the above list included accidentally pros for owning a beagle, but the below list includes unequivocal positives to having a beagle:

1. Beagles can swim
Beagles are adept at swimming and make great swimming partners. There are things you can do to help them swim if they’re hesitant.
2. Beagles make good watchdogs
While beagles don’t make good guard dogs, they make wonderful watchdogs. They’re protective and observant and will definitely alert you to an intruder or threat in your home.
3. Beagles are smart
Although beagles score low on the official dog IQ test, this test is based on obedience and doesn’t measure other forms of intelligence. Beagles are very physically gifted and great at learning from their mistakes, which the test doesn’t take into account. To learn more about beagle intelligence, see here.
4. Beagles make good apartment dogs
Beagles make wonderful apartment dogs due to their size and friendliness. Make sure to train them properly so they don’t howl excessively when you leave. To learn more about training your beagle to be a good apartment dog, see our guide here.
5. Beagles can get along great with cats
Beagles can and do get along well with cats! They just need to be introduced properly and trained. To learn more about introducing beagles and cats in your household, see here.
6. Beagles love to cuddle
Lastly, beagles are friendly snuggle bugs and love to cuddle. It’s heartwarming and wonderful to come home after a long day to a beagle that just wants to curl up next to you. To learn more about this adorable trait of theirs, see our article here.
Keeping your beagle healthy: Best Practices
Keeping your beagle healthy is essential in extending their lifespan. Follow these principles to keep them calm and happy.
- Exercise
Keep your beagle well exercised – this is vital for their energy levels, fitness, and mental health. Adult beagles should get at least two walks a day.
- Mental fitness
Make sure your dog is getting mental stimulation as well. It’s also good for their mental health and sharpness, and overall emotional health. Get them some puzzles to play with while you’re gone. This helps reduce laziness and boredom. Also make sure to practice commands with them and that they are socializing with new dogs and humans every few days.
- Diet
Feed your beagle high quality dog kibble to keep their energy up. High quality food provides a great return on your investment, as you can’t put a price on your beagle’s good health.
- Supplements
Check with your vet to see if your beagle has any deficiencies in their diet that need to be made up with in other food or vitamin supplements.
- Sleep
Make sure your beagle is getting enough sleep daily and they aren’t constantly being disturbed by loud noises and commotions.
- Training
Use a system of rewards to teach your beagle to behave well. If they are growling or misbehaving, put them in a crate or in a dog bed in a separate room, and when they do a trick properly, give them a treat. This teaches them what behaviors are good and what behaviors are bad.
Owner testimonials: Owning a beagle
Below are some owner testimonies from Reddit that show both the positives and negatives of owning a beagle:
“No cons, but I am biased. Long lived, healthy, good with other.pets and humans.”
“Beagles get along with everyone except small woodland creatures. They are adorable and sweet. They are stubborn and led by their nose.”
“Honestly, we have trained our beagle to be off leash and she rarely barks. She is super good motivated so we can get her to do anything if a treat is involved. We are very happy with her and have no regret”
“I had a beagle and she was the kindest creature in the world. She loved all people and animals. Loved our cats. She was, however, a trash fiend and food thief. Make sure you keep trash cans locked away and no food on counters. But they are super loyal and loving. My beagle was my best friend for over 10 years.”
“There is nothing that can replace the love of a beagle. They will curl up with you or on you. And they are better than an electric blanket if you let them sleep in your bed.”
“Pros: The most affectionate dog ever created!
Cons: Beagles can be problematic if you leave them home. Separation anxiety howling could really piss your neighbors off. I’ve been through this.”

Frequently asked questions about beagles
How dramatic are beagles?
Beagles can sometimes be drama queens, howling for attention. Make sure to train them properly to get rid of this diva behavior.
Do beagles like to sleep with you?
Yes! Beagles love to cuddle and will jump at the chance to sleep in bed with you.
Are Beagles emotionally sensitive?
Yes! Beagles are emotionally intelligent and can pick up on your sadness and joy.
What two dogs make a beagle?
Modern beagles are actually made of a mix of “scent hound” breeds including the Talbot Hound, The Northern and Southern Hounds, and the Harrier.
How can you tell if a beagle is unhappy?
Your beagle might be very low energy if they’re unhappy. They don’t have as much affection for you and they’ll turn away from you if they’re unhappy.
What’s a beagle’s lifespan?
Beagles live for, on average, 12-15 years.
Why beagles are the best dogs?
Many of the pros and cons in this article address why beagles are such wonderful dogs. Among them: they are great apartment dogs, love snuggling, are protective, smart, and fiercely loyal dogs.
Recap: Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?
- Beagles have a reputation for being the worst dog to own. However, much of this reputation is unearned and even the parts that are true, are controllable through training and giving your beagle routines.
- There are numerous pros to owning a beagle and I whole heartedly recommend it!
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