Why do beagles eat poop?
It can be concerning to witness your beagle eating poop. After you immediately try to stop them from eating it, they may try many more times to eat poop again. This prompts many owners to ask – Why do beagles eat poop?
Amongst the common reasons include:
- Why do beagles eat poop?
- Coprophagia
- Common reasons why beagles eat poop and how to address each one
- How to limit your beagle from eating poop
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Why do beagles eat poop?
- Can a beagle get sick from eating poop?
- Is it common for beagles to eat their own poop?
- What home remedy can I use to stop my dog from eating his poop?
- Should I stop my dog from eating her poop?
- How do I clean my dog’s mouth after eating poop?
- What can I spray on dog poop to keep my dog from eating it?
- Do dogs eat poop because they are still hungry?
- Do probiotics help dogs stop eating poop?
- How long can a dog hold its poop after eating?
- How many times a day should a dog poop?
By the end of this article, you’ll know everything you need to about your beagle eating poop and how to prevent this behavior in the future.
Okay, first things first. What is coprophagia? Coprophagia is when an animal eats feces, and it’s more common in the animal kingdom than you might think.
Before you panic, it’s very normal behavior when your beagle eats poop. Yes, it’s gross but it’s nothing to get overly alarmed about. Many beagle puppies eat their own feces for a variety of reasons, and it’s important to put a stop to this as soon as you see it.
Common reasons why beagles eat poop and how to address each one
- Keeping their space clean
If your beagle’s sleeping or feeding environment is in disarray and dirty, they might eat their own feces as a way to keep things clean. This is particularly true for dogs kept in a kennel or a crate. It’s heartbreaking to think of a beagle compulsively eating their own poop to keep their environment clean, so it’s vital that you keep their space tidy and clean.
When beagle moms have a litter of puppies, they often become more invested in keeping a clean environment. This sometimes means they eat feces more often, and consequently, puppies imitate their mother’s behavior. Clean up poop as soon as you see it.
- Separation anxiety
Beagles could be eating their own poop because they’re being left alone too long and have developed separation anxiety. Although beagles can be left alone on average for 4-6 hours, many beagles develop separation anxiety.
Eating poo because of separation anxiety indicates that your pet is extremely agitated and lonely. To combat separation anxiety, exercise your beagle regularly and consider hiring a pet sitter or check in on them if you have to leave them for long stretches of time regularly.
- Hunger
Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one. Oftentimes your beagle is just plain hungry. Make sure you’re feeding them healthy kibble on a regular schedule (twice a day for adults, three times a day for pups). Beagles are a dog breed prone to obesity and they often appear to be perpetually hungry, so make sure you aren’t overfeeding them as well.
- Boredom
If your beagle isn’t getting enough mental or physical stimulation, they may resort to eating poop out of sheer boredom. Make sure you’re walking them regularly, letting them run around and socialize with other dogs and humans, and get them some dog puzzles to occupy their minds when they’re home alone.
- Seeking attention
Going hand in hand with the boredom, if you aren’t paying your pup enough attention, they may soon realize that eating poo gets a reaction from their owner.
- Training
If you beagle is compulsively eating poop and won’t stop, try training them with simple treats. When you catch them eating poo, say “bad dog!” put them in their crate or room, and then take them out to the poo. If they try to eat the poo again, repeat the process. When they finally learn not to eat the poo, reward them with a treat and throw the feces far, far away.
This process will create a feedback loop in their mind to associate eating poo with being a bad dog, and not eating poo with getting a treat. Over time, they will simply stop eating poop as a learned behavior.
- Cleaning up after beagle puppies
Many new beagle mothers will compulsively clean up after their babies, and this includes eating poo, both their own and the puppy poo. Make sure to clean up poop as soon as you see it to prevent this behavior from sticking!

- Health issues
If you can’t find a specific reason why your beagle is eating poop, take them to the vet as there might be an underlying cause. However, make sure to rule out the above common reasons, as one of them is likely the culprit.
How to limit your beagle from eating poop
So what can you do to stop your beagle from eating poop? If you use these methods below, it should do the trick.
- Clean up their poo immediately
This is the quickest way to get them to stop eating poop. If it’s no longer a snack that’s constantly available to them, beagles will learn not to look forward to eating poop in the future.
- Don’t punish them
Don’t scream at them (they don’t understand what you’re saying or connect their behavior to your screaming) and do not rub their nose in the poop. If you do this, they will likely resort to hiding poop or hiding their poop eating from you.
- Training
Use a system of rewards to teach your beagle to stop eating feces. If they eat poop, put them in a crate or in a dog bed in a separate room, and when they learn to approach the poop without eating them, give them a treat. Then, throw the poop out. This teaches them to stop eating poop.
- Mental fitness
Make sure your dog is getting mental stimulation as well. It’s also good for their mental health and sharpness, and overall emotional health. Get them some puzzles to play with while you’re gone. This helps reduce boredom, which may be why they’re eating poop in the first place.
- Bark collars
Bark collars are highly effective. They deliver static electricity that shocks your dog into stopping unwanted behavior. Many owners are wary of hurting their dogs, but bark collars are usually a temporary measure and have an almost 100% rate of success. However, they should be used as a last resort as we ultimately don’t want to motivate our pets through fear. Check out our guide to beagle collars here, which includes humane anti bark and anti howl devices that use vibrations and sound rather than shocks.
- Feeding
Make sure you’re feeding them high quality dog kibble at regular intervals throughout the day. This means twice daily feeding for adult beagles and three feedings per day for puppies.
- Routines
Make sure they have exercise, sleep, and eating routines that they can mentally rely on. This helps with their physical and mental health, and will reduce their desire to eat poop.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Why do beagles eat poop?
Can a beagle get sick from eating poop?
Usually, no. In small amounts, your beagle should be fine. However, the feces could have harmful parasites or bacteria that infect your beagle. If you notice any other symptoms like fever, rashes, erratic behavior, consult your vet immediately.
Is it common for beagles to eat their own poop?
Yes, this phenomenon is called coprophagia and is seen in almost all dog breeds. It’s common and normal for beagles to eat their own poop.
What home remedy can I use to stop my dog from eating his poop?
Try putting digestive aids like zucchini into their food. This may make their poop more unappetizing to them. I’ve also heard people say that a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar works. Another home remedy is pineapple – give them a few chunks every day. Pineapple has an enzyme that changes the taste of dog poop so it’s more unappetizing to them. Same goes for pumpkin and spinach.
Should I stop my dog from eating her poop?
Don’t panic or freak out, but yes, do try to stop your dog from eating her poop. While it’s probably safe, it’s a bad habit because poop could contain harmful bacteria that could harm them.
How do I clean my dog’s mouth after eating poop?
The fastest way is to give your dog food and water. Their mouths will naturally produce saliva that cleans. Afterwards, give them a dental treat. You can also follow this up with brushing their teeth.
What can I spray on dog poop to keep my dog from eating it?
Try a mix of vinegar, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and water. Spray it on the poop as soon as you see it as a deterrent, then clean up the poop as soon as you can.
Do dogs eat poop because they are still hungry?
It could be. Try feeding them regularly and at a reasonable amount to see if that’s the culprit. It could be a behavioral reason other than hunger, but make sure you’re feeding them properly as hunger is a main reason why many dogs eat poop.
Do probiotics help dogs stop eating poop?
Yes! Probiotics help with your dog’s digestion and could make eating poop less appealing to them.
How long can a dog hold its poop after eating?
Most trained dogs can hold their poop for about 8 hours, which is also the absolute maximum you should leave the average dog alone for. If possible, make a doggy door for them so they can relieve themselves at their leisure.
How many times a day should a dog poop?
The standard rule of thumb for dogs to poop is once a day, although some dogs go twice or three times a day. Puppies poop more – three to five times a day.
- Beagle do eat poop and this is normal behavior
- Pinpoint why they are eating poop – are they bored or trying to get your attention or simply too hungry?
- After addressing the underlying cause, train them out of this behavior. Keep them on strict routines and clean poop as soon as you see it.
- If they compulsively try to eat poop even after all this training, seek a vet’s advice. There could be an underlying medical condition.
The topic of beagles eating poop is one that sometimes leads people to wonder – “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?” However, we think beagles have been unfairly maligned – most dog breeds eat poop and it’s an easy problem to fix.
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