Why do beagles sleep so much?

Why Do Beagles Sleep so much?

Why do beagles sleep so much?

If you’re a new beagle owner, you might be alarmed at how much your pet is sleeping. It’s normal for an adult beagle to sleep 10-12 hours a day, and puppies much more than that. In this article, we’ll answer the question: Why do beagles sleep so much?

Here, we’ll dive into:

Why Beagles Sleep So Much: 

  1. Age

Most dogs sleep an average of 12 hours a day. If you have a beagle puppy (younger than 18 months), they’ll need to sleep 18-20 hours a day. When your dog gets older, around 8 years old, they’ll also start increasing sleep hours once more. 

  1. Size and health

Beagles are prone to obesity, diabetes, and overeating. Check out our article on “Why are beagles always hungry? to learn more about controlling their appetite. As a consequence of them often being heavier, they take more energy to digest food and need more rest. 

  1. Energy levels

Beagles are often very energetic, running around and chasing every scent during their waking hours. Because of this, they need a lot of down time to recuperate from all their adventures. 

Why Do Beagles Sleep so much? Photo three

How to improve your beagle’s sleep 

  1. Routine

Keep your beagle on a strict sleeping routine. Try to stick to the same bedtime every night. 

  1. Environment

Create a cozy sleep environment for them. Make sure it’s a quiet part of your home and it isn’t too hot or cold for them. You can add some homey touches like stuffed animals too to make them feel loved. 

  1. Diet 

Make sure they’re eating a healthy diet, also on a strict schedule. The more routine they have, the better for them and for you. 

  1. Exercise 

Make sure to walk your beagle at least twice a day and to play with them throughout the day. This isn’t only to tire them out, but it’s good for their mental and physical health. 

How to sleep train beagles

It’s important to sleep train your beagle so you can both be asleep at the same time. This is essential for your sleep and mental health as well, so you aren’t awake every night from an overactive beagle. 

Some tips: 

  • Say good morning and good night so they know the day is beginning and ending
  • Give them a treat at bedtime as a ritual that will help ingrain the sleeping habit
  • Take them outside to pee each night before going to bed 
  • Keep their exercise and eating routines as strict as you can

Why beagles’ sleep matters so much 

It’s vital that beagles get their 10-12 hours of sleep a day so they can rest and recharge for the next day. As well, you want these to be quality hours of sleep, without loud noises or uncomfortable temperatures disturbing them. Just like humans, beagles need good sleep to regulate their digestion, energy levels, and appetite. 


  • Beagle adults sleep 10-12 hours a day. This is normal 
  • Beagle puppies and older beagles need more than 12 hours of sleep a day. 
  • Sleep train your beagle with routines and rewards to keep them happy and healthy 
Why Do Beagles Sleep so much? Photo two

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Should I let my beagle sleep with me?

You can if you’d like! Some dog owners swear by crate sleeping, but research has shown that sleeping with your pet can be beneficial to both pet and owner. 

Why do beagles sleep under the covers? 

It’s a natural dog instinct to want to burrow, it makes them feel safe! If your beagle is doing this, it just means they love and trust you, as they’re showing they want to burrow where you are. 

Why is my beagle lazy?

In reality, your beagle isn’t more or less lazy than the average dog breed. However, factors like exercise and genetics may play a part if your beagle appears lazy. Make sure they’re getting proper exercise, sleep, food, and socializing. If they still appear lethargic, check with your vet. There may be an underlying condition. Check out our article on beagle laziness for more information

At what age do beagles calm down?

Usually around 2 years old, give or take. However, this depends on the individual beagle, their training, and their environment. For more on getting your beagle to calm down, see our article here

There you have it! Now you should have a better understanding of why your beagle sleeps so much and how you can improve their sleep. 

The question of beagles’ big need for sleep  is one that often leads people to wonder – “Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs?” However, we think beagles have been unfairly maligned, and it’s actually normal for them to sleep 10-12 hours a day. 

If you have further questions or concerns, feel free to contact me! 

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